Saturday, March 14, 2020

Re: [Avid-L2] CYAN SCREEN OF DEATH: Rendered Titles become Un-rendered > Re: Titler Pro 7 and 6 (NewBlue FX) with Avid Media Composer 2018 Legacy on MacPro Legacy System 5,1 (2012 Cheese Graters)

Tonight with multiple sequences I find I render a safe color over a new blue then go to another project and in that project open up the sequence I just rendered the safe color over the new blue title and it's now unrendered.  Now I render the new blue title underneath the safe color and I'll see if the safe color render sticks.  Nothing changed I just went to another project and opened the sequence from the previous project.  This happen on all three project sequences I'm working and all are in separate bins.  It's like new blue has to recreate itself everytime a new project is opened even if nothing has changed except the project.  I did not quit the new blue program that runs when you start using new blue in Avid.  Very troubling.
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[Avid-L2] CYAN SCREEN OF DEATH: Rendered Titles become Un-rendered > Re: Titler Pro 7 and 6 (NewBlue FX) with Avid Media Composer 2018 Legacy on MacPro Legacy System 5,1 (2012 Cheese Graters)

Thank you, John.
I will report your issues back to them on Monday.

Speaking of Titler Pro renders, the reason they are trying to move me (unsuccessfully to TP 7 is that in the last few iterations of Avid MC, suddenly, rendered titles become unrendered.  This is not a simple Avid MC timeline Titler Pro Plug-In going 'green dot' – in this case, you get the Titler Pro CYAN SCREEN OF DEATH and you can't see ANY layers underneath the Plug-in, only the layers above it:

Using the Avid timeline's CLEAR RENDERS, you may sometimes get your layers under the TP Plug-in to re-appear, but don't try rendering again.  You need to quit and re-boot Avid MC (only works 30% of the time) – or shut down completely (power cycle) – if you're lucky, you may only have to soft RESTART the Mac OS.

If you are successful upon relaunch, you are still left with un-rendered titles, so you need to re-render, even though all the renders were done and fine before, and those MXF files exist.

This can happen without doing any edit/modification – you could have watched a rendered timeline the night before and all is good, then quit Avid.  Next morning, boot-up and open the bin and load the SEQuence into the timeline, and the CYAN SCREEN OF DEATH appears.


"Keoni" is John/Jon/Jonathan/Johnny in Hawai'i

Re: [Avid-L2] Titler Pro 7 and 6 (NewBlue FX) with Avid Media Composer 2018 Legacy on MacPro Legacy System 5,1 (2012 Cheese Graters)

I was given a link for the new version of TP 7 a few weeks back but I haven't launched it.  I've found on the original TP 7 I got a few months back kerning changing from system to system but this might be due to otf vs. ttf.  I've had some of the hangs you mention.

Just today last night and this morning I found renders that baked in the scrub to refresh title window.  I get the prompt to scrub in the timeline but in these cases part of the title is fine just a few frames with the warning message.  Then when I look under the render layer the new blue title is correct.  It's like when you open a sequence and start rendering an upper track New Blue doesn't get the message to refresh the title completely.  The error box didn't appear for a few frames and then went away a few frames later.  Very weird.  New Blue is like the "Swine Flu" of Avid titling solutions but it's the only one I have a limited vaccine for.

On Sat, Mar 14, 2020 at 10:02 AM, Keoni Tyler wrote:
I am deeply in touch in helping NewBlueFX and their support team in debugging issues with Titler Pro 7 (since last August/September 2019) and previous version TP 6, which they have stopped doing work on.
NewBlue alerted me that a newer version of TP7 is far less buggy, and asked me to do a clean uninstall and install, which I have now tested.  However, It has some of the same issues as back in Sept. 2019, rendering it useless in my instance (specs below).
These errors are the same on Mac OS SIERRA and HIGH SIERRA, and also go back to Avid Media Composers 2018.12.3, 12.5, 12.7, 12.8, 12.9 and Jan. 28th 2020 release 2018.12.10.  (MC 2018.12.4 was pulled by Avid).
With Titler Pro 7, in some cases, Avid won't even launch.  When it does, TP7 gets stuck in an 'endless loop' when editing a title (even if you don't do an edit, but go through the motions then want to CANCEL out of it). 

When you are done and click the upper-left RED DOT to close out the TP7 COMPOSE/EDIT window, its message box to "SAVE / CANCEL" comes up (which locks out Avid MC from doing ANYTHING, even if you click on an MC window).  When you select SAVE, you can save the title in NATIVE TP7 data file mode for LOAD/recall later.  You give the title a name, click OK, and then it seems to go through the motions to save the title.
You then close the COMPOSE window again, but then a new message window appears (which is normal): DO you want to SAVE the title as it stands changed in your TP7 compose, and put this change INTO your AVID TIMELINE?  Selecting CANCEL will abort this message (normal), ignore any edits you may have made in the TP7 compose window, and is supposed to return you to Avid MC control, leaving the title Plug-in within your timeline alone.  But TP 7 won't let you do anything with any of these options.  The window disappears as if to obey your selection, but then re-appears.  You can't get out of this loop – so you have to FORCE-QUIT and lose everything.
On the rare occasion you do get out of this loop from TP7's message box options of CANCEL-IGNORE or SAVE, the TP7 compose window closes (normal) and you touch down on Avid to resume your work, but within a few seconds, the Avid crash window appears:

One change I noted is this newer TP7 compared to the initial TP7 which failed me back in Sept 2019 (ver 19-08-16) is that they fixed the black border around larger-sized fonts, on some letters where it would not appear.

Note the lower-case letter "i" in the title "right" is missing on TP6 and on TP7 Aug 2019, but is okay in the second picture for ver 20-02-14.
I should note that while the letter "i" was the most obvious, many letters were missing their black border when fonts were made big.  The border is missing only on the 'base stem' of the letter, and not the 'dot' on top of the "i."

Edit Suite 1 of 3
Titler Pro 6 – ver 181016 / 181023 (My versions have special Text Loggers generated which NewBlueFX then reviews of every step I take)

Avid Media Composer 2018.12.10 [with options Symphony, Phrase Find, Script Sync]

Mac Pro 2012 (System 5,1); 2 x 3.46 GHz [12-cores total]; 96 GB 1,333 MHz DDR-3 RAM
NVidia GeForce GTX 780 with 3,072 MB Video RAM
macOS High Sierra, ver 10.13.6

Keoni Tyler
Kitchen Table Editorial | Hollywood
All major tape formats in Machine Room
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Re: [Avid-L2] Whither NAB?

This is a naturally occurring equalizing event.  Humans have overreached the normal carrying capacity of the planet for our species.  It's only through artificial mechanisms that we're able to continue to multiply and expand as a species, and in doing so we're destroying ecosystems, disrupting weather patterns and sending thousands of other species to extinction around the world annually.

"The 2019 Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, published by the United Nations' Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, posits that roughly one million species of plants and animals face extinction within decades as the result of human actions."

Who can be proud of that accomplishment?!

Karl Knowles
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Re: [Avid-L2] Avid offering free 90 day subscriptions so folks can work from home.

I felt the Avid gesture wasn't too heavy handed about marketing. 
Not to make light of the situation but when I read, "Life maybe cheap but I was raised to respect and preserve it.", my first thought was Avid's abandoning the title tool and Avid Titler+ forcing me to use New Blue is killing me slowly.

On Sat, Mar 14, 2020 at 07:14 AM, Pat Horridge wrote:
3 months of free subscriptions isn't what we already had.
So yes its 3 times the one month trial people had before.
Seems generous to me.

And I know of fit middle aged people critically ill in hospital at the moment. Some of those won't survive.
And if those beds aren't available plenty more who could have been saved won't be.

Life maybe cheap but I was raised to respect and preserve it.
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Re: [Avid-L2] Whither NAB?

[Edited Message Follows]

I've generally found clients just slow Editors down. Meet and discuss then bug off and let the editor work, review and feedback.
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Re: [Avid-L2] Whither NAB?

I've generally found clients just slow Editors down. Meet and discuss then bug off and let the editor work review and feedback. 
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Re: [Avid-L2] Whither NAB?

When I tried to offer up my Mother in Law for some of the virus studies I got a nasty look from my wife.  I thought I was just thinking of others.

On Sat, Mar 14, 2020 at 06:05 AM, Pat Horridge wrote:
Delaying the spread allows limited health care to save more people. 
Yes you can just chuck all the old and vunerable under the bus if you don't care about them. 
That's a choice. 
Personally I'm aware my elderly relatives are vunerable and precautions that delay their exposure help ensure the health service has resources to help them (rather the the likely surge in critical cases) 
Others may have different views. 
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Re: [Avid-L2] Whither NAB?

Are we talking about at work or just in general?  Just curious as the broom closet sounds like at work.

On 14 Mar 2020, at 13:23, Bouke wrote:
"We are humans, and we need to interact / see / feel / smell each other.
(Raise your hand if you did not ever have had sex in the broom closet with a co-worker / client.)
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[Avid-L2] Titler Pro 7 and 6 (NewBlue FX) with Avid Media Composer 2018 Legacy on MacPro Legacy System 5,1 (2012 Cheese Graters)

I am deeply in touch in helping NewBlueFX and their support team in debugging issues with Titler Pro 7 (since last August/September 2019) and previous version TP 6, which they have stopped doing work on.
NewBlue alerted me that a newer version of TP7 is far less buggy, and asked me to do a clean uninstall and install, which I have now tested.  However, It has some of the same issues as back in Sept. 2019, rendering it useless in my instance (specs below).
These errors are the same on Mac OS SIERRA and HIGH SIERRA, and also go back to Avid Media Composers 2018.12.3, 12.5, 12.7, 12.8, 12.9 and Jan. 28th 2020 release 2018.12.10.  (MC 2018.12.4 was pulled by Avid).
With Titler Pro 7, in some cases, Avid won't even launch.  When it does, TP7 gets stuck in an 'endless loop' when editing a title (even if you don't do an edit, but go through the motions then want to CANCEL out of it). 

When you are done and click the upper-left RED DOT to close out the TP7 COMPOSE/EDIT window, its message box to "SAVE / CANCEL" comes up (which locks out Avid MC from doing ANYTHING, even if you click on an MC window).  When you select SAVE, you can save the title in NATIVE TP7 data file mode for LOAD/recall later.  You give the title a name, click OK, and then it seems to go through the motions to save the title.
You then close the COMPOSE window again, but then a new message window appears (which is normal): DO you want to SAVE the title as it stands changed in your TP7 compose, and put this change INTO your AVID TIMELINE?  Selecting CANCEL will abort this message (normal), ignore any edits you may have made in the TP7 compose window, and is supposed to return you to Avid MC control, leaving the title Plug-in within your timeline alone.  But TP 7 won't let you do anything with any of these options.  The window disappears as if to obey your selection, but then re-appears.  You can't get out of this loop – so you have to FORCE-QUIT and lose everything.
On the rare occasion you do get out of this loop from TP7's message box options of CANCEL-IGNORE or SAVE, the TP7 compose window closes (normal) and you touch down on Avid to resume your work, but within a few seconds, the Avid crash window appears:

One change I noted is this newer TP7 compared to the initial TP7 which failed me back in Sept 2019 (ver 19-08-16) is that they fixed the black border around larger-sized fonts, on some letters where it would not appear.

Note the lower-case letter "i" in the title "right" is missing on TP6 and on TP7 Aug 2019, but is okay in the second picture for ver 20-02-14.
I should note that while the letter "i" was the most obvious, many letters were missing their black border when fonts were made big.  The border is missing only on the 'base stem' of the letter, and not the 'dot' on top of the "i."

Edit Suite 1 of 3
Titler Pro 6 – ver 181016 / 181023 (My versions have special Text Loggers generated which NewBlueFX then reviews of every step I take)

Avid Media Composer 2018.12.10 [with options Symphony, Phrase Find, Script Sync]

Mac Pro 2012 (System 5,1); 2 x 3.46 GHz [12-cores total]; 96 GB 1,333 MHz DDR-3 RAM
NVidia GeForce GTX 780 with 3,072 MB Video RAM
macOS High Sierra, ver 10.13.6

Keoni Tyler
Kitchen Table Editorial | Hollywood
All major tape formats in Machine Room

Re: [Avid-L2] Whither NAB?

sadly perhaps, I am not a troll, this is really me. (my cell is in my sigline…)
Is it so hard to understand that there is a part or the world that has it's own opinion?
Where did I offend anyone?
Where did I (unlike you) provided any dubious information?
Since when is it prohibited to provide an opinion here?

I stand by my observations about the situation. I do NOT claim to be right about anything.


Edit 'B /
van Oldenbarneveltstraat 33
6512 AS  Nijmegen
+31 6 21817248

On 14 Mar 2020, at 15:25, Pat Horridge <> wrote:

I can only conclude Bouke's account has been hacked.
And a lunatic has started trolling on his account.
I shall stop following this topic and hope he's able to regain control.

Re: [Avid-L2] Whither NAB?

I can only conclude Bouke's account has been hacked.
And a lunatic has started trolling on his account.
I shall stop following this topic and hope he's able to regain control.
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Re: [Avid-L2] Whither NAB?

Nice link.
It starts with the head:
This All Important Must Read Or You Will Die! (Cat Puking Funny Must See LOL!)

(So I don't trust the rest already, just use normal capitalisation if you want my attention…)

Next, the first graph is comparing apples to pears, and has a very biased scale.
I am a bit of a scientist, and although this in not my league, I can see that this is pure sensation based, not facts.
(Let alone there is no reference to the sources, read,, bad science…)

I do know something is going on, but again, I think the collateral damage by the media about the subject is way worse than the disease itself.


Edit 'B /
van Oldenbarneveltstraat 33
6512 AS  Nijmegen
+31 6 21817248

On 14 Mar 2020, at 14:55, David Dodson <> wrote:

I appreciate you taking the time to respond, Bouke. In the end, I simply can't be as fatalistic about these things.


On Mar 14, 2020, at 6:45 AM, bouke <> wrote:

Hi David, 
answers inline

On 14 Mar 2020, at 14:16, David Dodson <> wrote:

Stipulating that this is an Avid Media Composer list…

Who cares, we're friends here.

Bouke, you keep referring to the "the flu," but COVID-19 is not the flu. The mortality rate is far higher. This particular virus is killing not just the old, the vulnerable. Many people of all ages and health conditions are dying. 'Healthy' and 'normal' people ARE dying from COVID-19, just as they do with the flu.rant

Please elaborate, cause that is NOT what I'm seeing here. Granted, I do not have access to 'official' records, let alone the truth.
(Hence my rant.)

You seem to take a very sanguine attitude toward the scale of human suffering that this particular infection has losed upon the world.

On the opposite, I think (yes, not PC), I think this will do good to 'the world'

And you seem to have very little concern for the millions of health care workers who are in a war against not only the virus, but against their under-funded, under-equipped facilities with which to treat the sick. I don't understand this attitude.

What attitude? Where did I state that care should not be provided? (Please, see the bigger picture.)

Your point about a cure for the flu is simply wrong. Cure, no? A vaccine for specific strains, yes. Do yo not consider the flu vaccine worthwhile? Maybe you don't get your flu shot every year? Maybe you don't believe in the science of it all?

If you know me a little you know I'm  a science man. And no, I never had a flu shot ever. And I'm still alive.
Besides the discussion of new 'shots' (and who earns money on it / what is the benefit / risk), I very much doubt that a 'shot' will cure this thing.
The world is sorta kinda big, I very much doubt that if a 'shot' is produced, the entire world gets to benefit. (I take it the happy few will get it if they pay, and the rest can die.)
Do prove me wrong, what HIV medicine are available foor the poor in Africa?

If we slow the spread, yes, we get more time to develop vaccines and therapies. Isn't that a good thing? If we save lives, ins't that a good thing?

That's a matter of opinion. I for one think old / sick people must be allowed to die.

My brother is immuno-compromised due to medications he takes for a chronic condition. If he becomes infected by the COVID-19, his outlook is very grim. I'm sorry, Bouke, but you seem far, far, too willing to sacrifice him and the millions around the world like him, to something that we, as a race, have the power to stop.

I'm sorry for your brother, and my remarks aren't for individuals. But in general (and again, that includes myself), it  now seems that Earth wants to fight back, and it has every right to do so.
Again, sorry for your brother (and Bob Z. and me), but thinking that we humans have the power to control everything is way more over my arrogance. 

With all due respect, I find your attitude towards this to be off-putting. Instead, why aren't you saying that you will eagerly do your part to help slow the spread and give millions of vulnerable people a chance? Why the lack of empathy?

You totally missed the point. The poor / vulnerable people seem left behind
The world has gone crazy over nothing, the poor are left behind.

I'm not God, I just make observations, and I work in media.

From what I see, Media is making things worse, not better.

van Oldenbarneveltstraat 33
6512 AS  Nijmegen
+31 6 21817248
To send files, go here:

On 14 Mar 2020, at 14:16, David Dodson <> wrote:

Stipulating that this is an Avid Media Composer list...

Bouke, you keep referring to the "the flu," but COVID-19 is not the flu. The mortality rate is far higher. This particular virus is killing not just the old, the vulnerable. Many people of all ages and health conditions are dying. 'Healthy' and 'normal' people ARE dying from COVID-19, just as they do with the flu.

You seem to take a very sanguine attitude toward the scale of human suffering that this particular infection has losed upon the world. And you seem to have very little concern for the millions of health care workers who are in a war against not only the virus, but against their under-funded, under-equipped facilities with which to treat the sick. I don't understand this attitude.

Your point about a cure for the flu is simply wrong. Cure, no? A vaccine for specific strains, yes. Do yo not consider the flu vaccine worthwhile? Maybe you don't get your flu shot every year? Maybe you don't believe in the science of it all?

If we slow the spread, yes, we get more time to develop vaccines and therapies. Isn't that a good thing? If we save lives, ins't that a good thing?

My brother is immuno-compromised due to medications he takes for a chronic condition. If he becomes infected by the COVID-19, his outlook is very grim. I'm sorry, Bouke, but you seem far, far, too willing to sacrifice him and the millions around the world like him, to something that we, as a race, have the power to stop.

With all due respect, I find your attitude towards this to be off-putting. Instead, why aren't you saying that you will eagerly do your part to help slow the spread and give millions of vulnerable people a chance? Why the lack of empathy?

But this is a list for Avid users, and so perhaps these comments are inappropriate here.


On Mar 14, 2020, at 5:55 AM, bouke <> wrote:

Lemme break this down:

On 14 Mar 2020, at 13:23, Pat Horridge <> wrote:

Isn't this about trying to delay the spread so health service can cope?

Perhaps, and then? 
Let me make it more easy, give the specialists more time to find a cure.
Was there ever a cure for the flu? (Any form.)

Its inevitable that it will spread and going ahead with large gatherings and world travel ensures that will happen way faster.

No arguments here, you're right.

The danger then is health services get over whelmed (they may do anyway) and far more people will die.

Yes, people WiLL die, but, as I've learned: Life is a sexual transmitted disease with a guaranteed deadly outcome.

So sensible precautions by scrapping non essential gatherings and travel makes sense.

No, it does not. People WILL get exposed eventually. 

Its also questionable if these sorts of shows are worth the carbon footprint they generate. Isn't most of it just the same people meeting up to shake hanks and have a drink and a chat.
Product info and news can be released easier online.
Time the world shaped up and moved away from encouraging people to fly all over the place.

I totally agree here!

This looks to be the kick start for remote working.

I totally DISAGREE here. 

We are humans, and we need to interact / see / feel / smell each other.
(Raise your hand if you did not ever have had sex in the broom closet with a co-worker / client.)


Edit 'B /
van Oldenbarneveltstraat 33
6512 AS  Nijmegen
+31 6 21817248

On 14 Mar 2020, at 13:23, Pat Horridge <> wrote:

Isn't this about trying to delay the spread so health service can cope?
Its inevitable that it will spread and going ahead with large gatherings and world travel ensures that will happen way faster.
The danger then is health services get over whelmed (they may do anyway) and far more people will die.
So sensible precautions by scrapping non essential gatherings and travel makes sense.
Its also questionable if these sorts of shows are worth the carbon footprint they generate. Isn't most of it just the same people meeting up to shake hanks and have a drink and a chat.
Product info and news can be released easier online.
Time the world shaped up and moved away from encouraging people to fly all over the place.
This looks to be the kick start for remote working.

Re: [Avid-L2] Avid offering free 90 day subscriptions so folks can work from home.

[Edited Message Follows]

3 months of free subscriptions isn't what we already had.
So yes its 3 times the one month trial people had before.
Seems generous to me.

And I know of fit middle aged people critically ill in hospital at the moment. Some of those won't survive.
And if those beds aren't available plenty more who could have been saved won't be.

Life maybe cheap but I was raised to respect and preserve it.
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Re: [Avid-L2] Avid offering free 90 day subscriptions so folks can work from home.

3 months of free subscriptions isn't what we already had.
So yes its 3 times the one month trial people had before.
Seems generous to me.
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Re: [Avid-L2] Avid offering free 90 day subscriptions so folks can work from home.

Dirty marketing rats that try to feed on other peoples misery.
Licences were already movable, either online or by transporting dongles.
So, NOTHING (that I'm aware of) has changed.

Who pays you to relay this kind of propaganda?

Edit 'B /
van Oldenbarneveltstraat 33
6512 AS  Nijmegen
+31 6 21817248

On 14 Mar 2020, at 13:33, avid_curren via Groups.Io <> wrote:

[Edited Message Follows]

Avid will provide free 90-day licenses of Media Composer & Ultimate, Pro Tools, Pro Tools & Ultimate, or Sibelius & Ultimate starting Monday to help people work at home. 

Terence Curren
Burbank, Ca
AlphaDogs: We Unleash Your Stories

Re: [Avid-L2] Whither NAB?

I appreciate you taking the time to respond, Bouke. In the end, I simply can't be as fatalistic about these things.


On Mar 14, 2020, at 6:45 AM, bouke <> wrote:

Hi David, 
answers inline

On 14 Mar 2020, at 14:16, David Dodson <> wrote:

Stipulating that this is an Avid Media Composer list…

Who cares, we're friends here.

Bouke, you keep referring to the "the flu," but COVID-19 is not the flu. The mortality rate is far higher. This particular virus is killing not just the old, the vulnerable. Many people of all ages and health conditions are dying. 'Healthy' and 'normal' people ARE dying from COVID-19, just as they do with the flu.rant

Please elaborate, cause that is NOT what I'm seeing here. Granted, I do not have access to 'official' records, let alone the truth.
(Hence my rant.)

You seem to take a very sanguine attitude toward the scale of human suffering that this particular infection has losed upon the world.

On the opposite, I think (yes, not PC), I think this will do good to 'the world'

And you seem to have very little concern for the millions of health care workers who are in a war against not only the virus, but against their under-funded, under-equipped facilities with which to treat the sick. I don't understand this attitude.

What attitude? Where did I state that care should not be provided? (Please, see the bigger picture.)

Your point about a cure for the flu is simply wrong. Cure, no? A vaccine for specific strains, yes. Do yo not consider the flu vaccine worthwhile? Maybe you don't get your flu shot every year? Maybe you don't believe in the science of it all?

If you know me a little you know I'm  a science man. And no, I never had a flu shot ever. And I'm still alive.
Besides the discussion of new 'shots' (and who earns money on it / what is the benefit / risk), I very much doubt that a 'shot' will cure this thing.
The world is sorta kinda big, I very much doubt that if a 'shot' is produced, the entire world gets to benefit. (I take it the happy few will get it if they pay, and the rest can die.)
Do prove me wrong, what HIV medicine are available foor the poor in Africa?

If we slow the spread, yes, we get more time to develop vaccines and therapies. Isn't that a good thing? If we save lives, ins't that a good thing?

That's a matter of opinion. I for one think old / sick people must be allowed to die.

My brother is immuno-compromised due to medications he takes for a chronic condition. If he becomes infected by the COVID-19, his outlook is very grim. I'm sorry, Bouke, but you seem far, far, too willing to sacrifice him and the millions around the world like him, to something that we, as a race, have the power to stop.

I'm sorry for your brother, and my remarks aren't for individuals. But in general (and again, that includes myself), it  now seems that Earth wants to fight back, and it has every right to do so.
Again, sorry for your brother (and Bob Z. and me), but thinking that we humans have the power to control everything is way more over my arrogance. 

With all due respect, I find your attitude towards this to be off-putting. Instead, why aren't you saying that you will eagerly do your part to help slow the spread and give millions of vulnerable people a chance? Why the lack of empathy?

You totally missed the point. The poor / vulnerable people seem left behind
The world has gone crazy over nothing, the poor are left behind.

I'm not God, I just make observations, and I work in media.

From what I see, Media is making things worse, not better.

van Oldenbarneveltstraat 33
6512 AS  Nijmegen
+31 6 21817248
To send files, go here:

On 14 Mar 2020, at 14:16, David Dodson <> wrote:

Stipulating that this is an Avid Media Composer list...

Bouke, you keep referring to the "the flu," but COVID-19 is not the flu. The mortality rate is far higher. This particular virus is killing not just the old, the vulnerable. Many people of all ages and health conditions are dying. 'Healthy' and 'normal' people ARE dying from COVID-19, just as they do with the flu.

You seem to take a very sanguine attitude toward the scale of human suffering that this particular infection has losed upon the world. And you seem to have very little concern for the millions of health care workers who are in a war against not only the virus, but against their under-funded, under-equipped facilities with which to treat the sick. I don't understand this attitude.

Your point about a cure for the flu is simply wrong. Cure, no? A vaccine for specific strains, yes. Do yo not consider the flu vaccine worthwhile? Maybe you don't get your flu shot every year? Maybe you don't believe in the science of it all?

If we slow the spread, yes, we get more time to develop vaccines and therapies. Isn't that a good thing? If we save lives, ins't that a good thing?

My brother is immuno-compromised due to medications he takes for a chronic condition. If he becomes infected by the COVID-19, his outlook is very grim. I'm sorry, Bouke, but you seem far, far, too willing to sacrifice him and the millions around the world like him, to something that we, as a race, have the power to stop.

With all due respect, I find your attitude towards this to be off-putting. Instead, why aren't you saying that you will eagerly do your part to help slow the spread and give millions of vulnerable people a chance? Why the lack of empathy?

But this is a list for Avid users, and so perhaps these comments are inappropriate here.


On Mar 14, 2020, at 5:55 AM, bouke <> wrote:

Lemme break this down:

On 14 Mar 2020, at 13:23, Pat Horridge <> wrote:

Isn't this about trying to delay the spread so health service can cope?

Perhaps, and then? 
Let me make it more easy, give the specialists more time to find a cure.
Was there ever a cure for the flu? (Any form.)

Its inevitable that it will spread and going ahead with large gatherings and world travel ensures that will happen way faster.

No arguments here, you're right.

The danger then is health services get over whelmed (they may do anyway) and far more people will die.

Yes, people WiLL die, but, as I've learned: Life is a sexual transmitted disease with a guaranteed deadly outcome.

So sensible precautions by scrapping non essential gatherings and travel makes sense.

No, it does not. People WILL get exposed eventually. 

Its also questionable if these sorts of shows are worth the carbon footprint they generate. Isn't most of it just the same people meeting up to shake hanks and have a drink and a chat.
Product info and news can be released easier online.
Time the world shaped up and moved away from encouraging people to fly all over the place.

I totally agree here!

This looks to be the kick start for remote working.

I totally DISAGREE here. 

We are humans, and we need to interact / see / feel / smell each other.
(Raise your hand if you did not ever have had sex in the broom closet with a co-worker / client.)


Edit 'B /
van Oldenbarneveltstraat 33
6512 AS  Nijmegen
+31 6 21817248

On 14 Mar 2020, at 13:23, Pat Horridge <> wrote:

Isn't this about trying to delay the spread so health service can cope?
Its inevitable that it will spread and going ahead with large gatherings and world travel ensures that will happen way faster.
The danger then is health services get over whelmed (they may do anyway) and far more people will die.
So sensible precautions by scrapping non essential gatherings and travel makes sense.
Its also questionable if these sorts of shows are worth the carbon footprint they generate. Isn't most of it just the same people meeting up to shake hanks and have a drink and a chat.
Product info and news can be released easier online.
Time the world shaped up and moved away from encouraging people to fly all over the place.
This looks to be the kick start for remote working.

Re: [Avid-L2] Whither NAB?

Well Avid relevant Avid have made 90 days licenses available. 
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Re: [Avid-L2] Whither NAB?

Hi David, 
answers inline

On 14 Mar 2020, at 14:16, David Dodson <> wrote:

Stipulating that this is an Avid Media Composer list…

Who cares, we're friends here.

Bouke, you keep referring to the "the flu," but COVID-19 is not the flu. The mortality rate is far higher. This particular virus is killing not just the old, the vulnerable. Many people of all ages and health conditions are dying. 'Healthy' and 'normal' people ARE dying from COVID-19, just as they do with the flu.rant

Please elaborate, cause that is NOT what I'm seeing here. Granted, I do not have access to 'official' records, let alone the truth.
(Hence my rant.)

You seem to take a very sanguine attitude toward the scale of human suffering that this particular infection has losed upon the world.

On the opposite, I think (yes, not PC), I think this will do good to 'the world'

And you seem to have very little concern for the millions of health care workers who are in a war against not only the virus, but against their under-funded, under-equipped facilities with which to treat the sick. I don't understand this attitude.

What attitude? Where did I state that care should not be provided? (Please, see the bigger picture.)

Your point about a cure for the flu is simply wrong. Cure, no? A vaccine for specific strains, yes. Do yo not consider the flu vaccine worthwhile? Maybe you don't get your flu shot every year? Maybe you don't believe in the science of it all?

If you know me a little you know I'm  a science man. And no, I never had a flu shot ever. And I'm still alive.
Besides the discussion of new 'shots' (and who earns money on it / what is the benefit / risk), I very much doubt that a 'shot' will cure this thing.
The world is sorta kinda big, I very much doubt that if a 'shot' is produced, the entire world gets to benefit. (I take it the happy few will get it if they pay, and the rest can die.)
Do prove me wrong, what HIV medicine are available foor the poor in Africa?

If we slow the spread, yes, we get more time to develop vaccines and therapies. Isn't that a good thing? If we save lives, ins't that a good thing?

That's a matter of opinion. I for one think old / sick people must be allowed to die.

My brother is immuno-compromised due to medications he takes for a chronic condition. If he becomes infected by the COVID-19, his outlook is very grim. I'm sorry, Bouke, but you seem far, far, too willing to sacrifice him and the millions around the world like him, to something that we, as a race, have the power to stop.

I'm sorry for your brother, and my remarks aren't for individuals. But in general (and again, that includes myself), it  now seems that Earth wants to fight back, and it has every right to do so.
Again, sorry for your brother (and Bob Z. and me), but thinking that we humans have the power to control everything is way more over my arrogance. 

With all due respect, I find your attitude towards this to be off-putting. Instead, why aren't you saying that you will eagerly do your part to help slow the spread and give millions of vulnerable people a chance? Why the lack of empathy?

You totally missed the point. The poor / vulnerable people seem left behind
The world has gone crazy over nothing, the poor are left behind.

I'm not God, I just make observations, and I work in media.

From what I see, Media is making things worse, not better.

van Oldenbarneveltstraat 33
6512 AS  Nijmegen
+31 6 21817248
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On 14 Mar 2020, at 14:16, David Dodson <> wrote:

Stipulating that this is an Avid Media Composer list...

Bouke, you keep referring to the "the flu," but COVID-19 is not the flu. The mortality rate is far higher. This particular virus is killing not just the old, the vulnerable. Many people of all ages and health conditions are dying. 'Healthy' and 'normal' people ARE dying from COVID-19, just as they do with the flu.

You seem to take a very sanguine attitude toward the scale of human suffering that this particular infection has losed upon the world. And you seem to have very little concern for the millions of health care workers who are in a war against not only the virus, but against their under-funded, under-equipped facilities with which to treat the sick. I don't understand this attitude.

Your point about a cure for the flu is simply wrong. Cure, no? A vaccine for specific strains, yes. Do yo not consider the flu vaccine worthwhile? Maybe you don't get your flu shot every year? Maybe you don't believe in the science of it all?

If we slow the spread, yes, we get more time to develop vaccines and therapies. Isn't that a good thing? If we save lives, ins't that a good thing?

My brother is immuno-compromised due to medications he takes for a chronic condition. If he becomes infected by the COVID-19, his outlook is very grim. I'm sorry, Bouke, but you seem far, far, too willing to sacrifice him and the millions around the world like him, to something that we, as a race, have the power to stop.

With all due respect, I find your attitude towards this to be off-putting. Instead, why aren't you saying that you will eagerly do your part to help slow the spread and give millions of vulnerable people a chance? Why the lack of empathy?

But this is a list for Avid users, and so perhaps these comments are inappropriate here.


On Mar 14, 2020, at 5:55 AM, bouke <> wrote:

Lemme break this down:

On 14 Mar 2020, at 13:23, Pat Horridge <> wrote:

Isn't this about trying to delay the spread so health service can cope?

Perhaps, and then? 
Let me make it more easy, give the specialists more time to find a cure.
Was there ever a cure for the flu? (Any form.)

Its inevitable that it will spread and going ahead with large gatherings and world travel ensures that will happen way faster.

No arguments here, you're right.

The danger then is health services get over whelmed (they may do anyway) and far more people will die.

Yes, people WiLL die, but, as I've learned: Life is a sexual transmitted disease with a guaranteed deadly outcome.

So sensible precautions by scrapping non essential gatherings and travel makes sense.

No, it does not. People WILL get exposed eventually. 

Its also questionable if these sorts of shows are worth the carbon footprint they generate. Isn't most of it just the same people meeting up to shake hanks and have a drink and a chat.
Product info and news can be released easier online.
Time the world shaped up and moved away from encouraging people to fly all over the place.

I totally agree here!

This looks to be the kick start for remote working.

I totally DISAGREE here. 

We are humans, and we need to interact / see / feel / smell each other.
(Raise your hand if you did not ever have had sex in the broom closet with a co-worker / client.)


Edit 'B /
van Oldenbarneveltstraat 33
6512 AS  Nijmegen
+31 6 21817248

On 14 Mar 2020, at 13:23, Pat Horridge <> wrote:

Isn't this about trying to delay the spread so health service can cope?
Its inevitable that it will spread and going ahead with large gatherings and world travel ensures that will happen way faster.
The danger then is health services get over whelmed (they may do anyway) and far more people will die.
So sensible precautions by scrapping non essential gatherings and travel makes sense.
Its also questionable if these sorts of shows are worth the carbon footprint they generate. Isn't most of it just the same people meeting up to shake hanks and have a drink and a chat.
Product info and news can be released easier online.
Time the world shaped up and moved away from encouraging people to fly all over the place.
This looks to be the kick start for remote working.