Saturday, January 29, 2011

Re: [Avid-L2] 3D? hee hee hee


Thank you very much Jay. I did actually read them, but I found them in the list only after I had posted.

Of course memory is edited, but so are our current perceptions. How could they not be? We are constantly making decisions as to where to look, how close or how far, and what to pay attention to. This prioritization of perception is necessary to our survival. If we were constantly noticing everything that was going on in our environment, we would not be able to function. And daily reality itself is always on its way to becoming a memory as it slides by us into the past. What gets imprinted in memory is what we have noticed, and that's a tiny subset of what's actually happened around us.

In short, I agree with Terry's post, which I just read. The original question was whether cinematic 3D is actually something our brains have evolved to tolerate, and on that, I have no opinion, because I have no experience of it. It sounds gimmicky and uninteresting, which is why I have avoided it so far.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jay Mahavier <>
Sent: Sat, Jan 29, 2011 1:57 pm
Subject: Re: [Avid-L2] 3D? hee hee hee

I refer you to the rest of that thread that you may not have had the
opportunity to read.

1st response from blafarm

my reply

And David Dodson's reply

In addition I would like to point out that you're talking about memory
in your example. Not real life, real time, organic vision. Very very
very different things. And in your example you decided to only
remember the most very exciting moment. You are not recalling the
utterly boring times you made that drive and not a damn thing
happened. You edited your memory. Organic vision is ALL of the
horribly dull and uninteresting crap that goes on all the time.
Compare the 80+ hours of camera source dailies to organic vision and
the 90 minute edited program to memory. Just because the camera
selectively points at different things it's not actually edited.

Take for example Rope by Hitchcock. It a series of roughly 10min
takes. I don't remember exactly but there is something like 9 actual
edits in it. Every other one being hidden in black the others being
hard cuts. But while the 10min takes are very well choreographed and
composed to move from WS to MS to CU etc., they are not edited.

What you look at throughout the day, day after day, all day long,
while it may be selective, it is not edited. What you remember is


On Jan 29, 2011, at 10:01 AM, Shirley Gutierrez wrote:

> "And we don't organically edit what we see in nature."
> You've no doubt read "In the Blink of an Eye?" This is, of course,
> the slender and absorbing volume by Walter Murch himself, which
> attempts to answer the question "Why do cuts work?" His answer is
> that we edit reality constantly when we blink. It is this function
> of our vision, the fact that we are looking at a given scene, and
> moments later, seeing a change in that scene that's occurred in the
> fractions of a second that it takes to blink, that makes us
> neurologically primed to accept edited films.
> Reading this book made me realize to what extent my perception of my
> daily reality is divided up into shots, wide, tight, medium, ECU,
> etc., and to what degree my visual memory is made up of "camera
> angles." For example, when I remember the day my car's radiator
> failed while I was crossing the San Francisco Bay Bridge, my memory
> is divided into distinct visual frames, the view out the windshield
> as the first wisps of smoke drift ominously across my field of
> vision, and the tight cutaway of the dashboard vent as the smoke
> starts to pour out of it. I've asked myself if I divide up reality
> this way because I edit for a living, but then I bring up memories
> from my youth and realize that they are constructed the same way, as
> are my dreams.
> Life itself is a movie, and it runs in 3D. But in my head, I think
> it's playing in 2D.
> Shirley
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jay Mahavier <>
> To:
> Sent: Thu, Jan 27, 2011 11:53 am
> Subject: Re: [Avid-L2] 3D? hee hee hee
> There are some out, myself included, that think editing done well
> should go unnoticed. Yet a great majority of films and television are
> edited. And we don't organically edit what we see in nature. Just
> like we don't crossfade into flashbacks or many other techniques of
> story telling. And just because 3D is mostly lame right now does not
> mean that it will never improve.
> Jay
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 12:52 PM, David Dodson wrote:
>> if it's not noticed then why do it?
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[Avid-L2] Re: 3D? hee hee hee


I would argue that your point of focus, the thing you are aware of, is actually an edit of sorts. For example, say you are looking for someone in a large crowd of people. When you first arrive, you see the whole crowd, but then you start to focus on individuals until you find the one you are looking for.

This is similar to the establishing shot followed by a medium shot, yet you have not physically moved, nor have you changed your lens (unless you are using binoculars). What you have done is focused on an area, tuning out the rest. Just as we do with sound.

At that instant of finding who you are looking for, you wouldn't be able to describe what was happening 15 feet away even though it was in your field of view.

So, using attention, we are editing all day long.

--- In, Jay Mahavier <jay_mahavier@...> wrote:

<<What you look at throughout the day, day after day, all day long, while it may be selective, it is not edited. What you remember is edited.>>

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Re: [Avid-L2] 3D? hee hee hee


I refer you to the rest of that thread that you may not have had the
opportunity to read.

1st response from blafarm

my reply

And David Dodson's reply

In addition I would like to point out that you're talking about memory
in your example. Not real life, real time, organic vision. Very very
very different things. And in your example you decided to only
remember the most very exciting moment. You are not recalling the
utterly boring times you made that drive and not a damn thing
happened. You edited your memory. Organic vision is ALL of the
horribly dull and uninteresting crap that goes on all the time.
Compare the 80+ hours of camera source dailies to organic vision and
the 90 minute edited program to memory. Just because the camera
selectively points at different things it's not actually edited.

Take for example Rope by Hitchcock. It a series of roughly 10min
takes. I don't remember exactly but there is something like 9 actual
edits in it. Every other one being hidden in black the others being
hard cuts. But while the 10min takes are very well choreographed and
composed to move from WS to MS to CU etc., they are not edited.

What you look at throughout the day, day after day, all day long,
while it may be selective, it is not edited. What you remember is


On Jan 29, 2011, at 10:01 AM, Shirley Gutierrez wrote:

> "And we don't organically edit what we see in nature."
> You've no doubt read "In the Blink of an Eye?" This is, of course,
> the slender and absorbing volume by Walter Murch himself, which
> attempts to answer the question "Why do cuts work?" His answer is
> that we edit reality constantly when we blink. It is this function
> of our vision, the fact that we are looking at a given scene, and
> moments later, seeing a change in that scene that's occurred in the
> fractions of a second that it takes to blink, that makes us
> neurologically primed to accept edited films.
> Reading this book made me realize to what extent my perception of my
> daily reality is divided up into shots, wide, tight, medium, ECU,
> etc., and to what degree my visual memory is made up of "camera
> angles." For example, when I remember the day my car's radiator
> failed while I was crossing the San Francisco Bay Bridge, my memory
> is divided into distinct visual frames, the view out the windshield
> as the first wisps of smoke drift ominously across my field of
> vision, and the tight cutaway of the dashboard vent as the smoke
> starts to pour out of it. I've asked myself if I divide up reality
> this way because I edit for a living, but then I bring up memories
> from my youth and realize that they are constructed the same way, as
> are my dreams.
> Life itself is a movie, and it runs in 3D. But in my head, I think
> it's playing in 2D.
> Shirley
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jay Mahavier <>
> To:
> Sent: Thu, Jan 27, 2011 11:53 am
> Subject: Re: [Avid-L2] 3D? hee hee hee
> There are some out, myself included, that think editing done well
> should go unnoticed. Yet a great majority of films and television are
> edited. And we don't organically edit what we see in nature. Just
> like we don't crossfade into flashbacks or many other techniques of
> story telling. And just because 3D is mostly lame right now does not
> mean that it will never improve.
> Jay
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 12:52 PM, David Dodson wrote:
>> if it's not noticed then why do it?
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[Avid-L2] Re: HDSLR workflow


--- In, Oliver Peters <oliverpeters@...> wrote

> Learning is always good, but sometimes you can't beat just playing around with the real thing ;-)

And, thanks very much for your input on this topic.

--- In, Oliver Peters <oliverpeters@...> wrote:
> > blafarm wrote:
> > Regarding your question, the clients I service THAT DO shoot using HDSLR are largely satisfied with what I am able to deliver within the confines of MC -- in spite of the fact that those toolsets are long-in-the-tooth -- if not downright obsolete.
> Agreed. You generally end up finishing within the chosen system, rather than move the project from offline to online on different systems.
> > I had thought [mistakenly?] you were saying that MC COULD NOT distill tape name, reel name, source id or camera id that had been embedded into a QT file by QtChange. And if that assumption was true -- it seemed the value proposition of using QtChange with MC was theoretically limited to TC -- which is still a very good thing.
> It's an evolving process, because Avid is trying to make a distinction between file-based and tape-based media and their origins. Michael Phillips has done a good job of clarifying this in some of his posts over at RedUser, since the same issues affect RED media. It also seems to be an evolving process, but for now tape ingests and file ingests are treated differently. The metadata is captured, but Michael has warned against "crossing the streams" in these two workflow methods. Unfortunately the 30+ year-old EDL format isn't ideal when you need to move lists and relink (rather than recapture) media. Also unfortunately, sometimes it's a more reliable tool than other (supposedly better) methods, like AAF, AFE, XML, etc.
> > I could be mistaken, but in your last post you seem to be implying that source ID or camroll or tape ID are somehow related to TC. Which is a bit confusing as I thought you had said that, aside from TC, embedded QT meta data could not be decoded by MC.
> My methodology has evolved in regards to HDSLR media. At first I was looking for AMA and ALE approaches, but I'm trying to not over-think what Avid is trying to do. A QuickTime movie file can carry some metadata, including TC and a source ID. What name you call this varies with the NLE. FCP uses it the same as a tape source. Avid doesn't. It imports it, but places it in a different category. You can also add names into the CamRoll column manually if you wish.
> > I suppose I should really just start playing around with QtChange -- but I was hoping to learn how others were using it to their advantage with HDSLR footage.
> Learning is always good, but sometimes you can't beat just playing around with the real thing ;-)
> Cheers,
> Oliver

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Re: [Avid-L2] Re: Canon DSLR Metadata?

Yeah, I had a chat with Wes Plate about it, and there's really no way to do
it painlessly.

*>Of course, the other option would just be to convert it to ProRes and cut
in FCP all the way.*

True, but I'm actually trying to learn Media Composer with this project
(coming from an FCP background). So I'll deal with the hassle!

Thanks again,

On Sat, Jan 29, 2011 at 9:44 AM, Oliver Peters <> wrote:

> > Fair enough (and apologies I'm retreading covered ground-
> > ...if I weren't using AutoDuck at the end to online in FCP (which forces
> me to consolidate/transcode).
> > Zak Ray
> No apologies necessary. I just wasn't sure you'd read it. Thanks for
> checking out the blog.
> You bring up a good point and that's Automatic Duck. AFAIK, There isn't a
> good way to cut strictly with AMA and then use AD to get FCP to link to
> these same files. So yes, DNxHD with a standard import should work better.
> Of course, the other option would just be to convert it to ProRes and cut
> in FCP all the way.
> - Oliver
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: [Avid-L2] Re: OT: WIW


Very nice. I didn't think I could continue to be interested in WWII, but this trailer makes me want to see the film. Congratulations!


-----Original Message-----
From: switthaus <>
Sent: Sat, Jan 29, 2011 3:59 am
Subject: [Avid-L2] Re: OT: WIW

Congrats, Job!

--- In, "Job ter Burg (L2B)" <Job_L2@...> wrote:



> Hi there,


> Last year, a feature I worked on made it to the shortlist for the Oscars in

the Best Foreign Language category. In March, Sony Classic will be releasing it

in the US, starting NYC and LA.


> The US trailer for the movie is now available on


> Just wanted to let you all know.


> Rgds,

> Job.


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Re: [Avid-L2] 3D? hee hee hee


"And we don't organically edit what we see in nature."

You've no doubt read "In the Blink of an Eye?" This is, of course, the slender and absorbing volume by Walter Murch himself, which attempts to answer the question "Why do cuts work?" His answer is that we edit reality constantly when we blink. It is this function of our vision, the fact that we are looking at a given scene, and moments later, seeing a change in that scene that's occurred in the fractions of a second that it takes to blink, that makes us neurologically primed to accept edited films.

Reading this book made me realize to what extent my perception of my daily reality is divided up into shots, wide, tight, medium, ECU, etc., and to what degree my visual memory is made up of "camera angles." For example, when I remember the day my car's radiator failed while I was crossing the San Francisco Bay Bridge, my memory is divided into distinct visual frames, the view out the windshield as the first wisps of smoke drift ominously across my field of vision, and the tight cutaway of the dashboard vent as the smoke starts to pour out of it. I've asked myself if I divide up reality this way because I edit for a living, but then I bring up memories from my youth and realize that they are constructed the same way, as are my dreams.

Life itself is a movie, and it runs in 3D. But in my head, I think it's playing in 2D.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jay Mahavier <>
Sent: Thu, Jan 27, 2011 11:53 am
Subject: Re: [Avid-L2] 3D? hee hee hee

There are some out, myself included, that think editing done well

should go unnoticed. Yet a great majority of films and television are

edited. And we don't organically edit what we see in nature. Just

like we don't crossfade into flashbacks or many other techniques of

story telling. And just because 3D is mostly lame right now does not

mean that it will never improve.


On Jan 27, 2011, at 12:52 PM, David Dodson wrote:

> if it's not noticed then why do it?


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[Avid-L2] Re: Canon DSLR Metadata?


> Fair enough (and apologies I'm retreading covered ground-
> ...if I weren't using AutoDuck at the end to online in FCP (which forces me to consolidate/transcode).
> Zak Ray

No apologies necessary. I just wasn't sure you'd read it. Thanks for checking out the blog.

You bring up a good point and that's Automatic Duck. AFAIK, There isn't a good way to cut strictly with AMA and then use AD to get FCP to link to these same files. So yes, DNxHD with a standard import should work better.

Of course, the other option would just be to convert it to ProRes and cut in FCP all the way.

- Oliver

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Re: [Avid-L2] OT: WIW



Noticed that the QT on that page is not working. Will report it.

I think the movie has already been released in the UK earlier, and it's available on DVD and BD there.


Sent from my iPhone

On 29 jan. 2011, at 12:13, David Ross <> wrote:

> Thanks Job,
> But, for me at least, the quicktime links seem to be broken - both on
> the Apple trailers page, and on iTunes. I'll try again later today.
> Do you know if this will get a UK release?
> David
> On 29 January 2011 09:55, Job ter Burg (L2B) <> wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> Last year, a feature I worked on made it to the shortlist for the Oscars in the Best Foreign Language category. In March, Sony Classic will be releasing it in the US, starting NYC and LA.
>> The US trailer for the movie is now available on
>> Just wanted to let you all know.
>> Rgds,
>> Job.
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[Avid-L2] Re: OT: WIW


Congrats, Job!

--- In, "Job ter Burg (L2B)" <Job_L2@...> wrote:
> Hi there,
> Last year, a feature I worked on made it to the shortlist for the Oscars in the Best Foreign Language category. In March, Sony Classic will be releasing it in the US, starting NYC and LA.
> The US trailer for the movie is now available on
> Just wanted to let you all know.
> Rgds,
> Job.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: [Avid-L2] OT: WIW


Thanks Job,
But, for me at least, the quicktime links seem to be broken - both on
the Apple trailers page, and on iTunes. I'll try again later today.

Do you know if this will get a UK release?


On 29 January 2011 09:55, Job ter Burg (L2B) <> wrote:
> Hi there,
> Last year, a feature I worked on made it to the shortlist for the Oscars in the Best Foreign Language category. In March, Sony Classic will be releasing it in the US, starting NYC and LA.
> The US trailer for the movie is now available on
> Just wanted to let you all know.
> Rgds,
> Job.

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[Avid-L2] OT: WIW


Hi there,

Last year, a feature I worked on made it to the shortlist for the Oscars in the Best Foreign Language category. In March, Sony Classic will be releasing it in the US, starting NYC and LA.

The US trailer for the movie is now available on

Just wanted to let you all know.


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[Avid-L2] Re: Making the 32-64bit Leap


I agree. As a 32bit app Avid can only access 4GB of the RAM.
A 64 bit OS does allow more than 4GB to be accessed so MC can get to all of 4GB and not share it with the OS.
But unless you need to run RAM hungry apps in the background (not a good idea) then 6-8 GB is plenty.
Also classic Nitris isn't supported on Win 7 64 bit ( and we've tried it and found it unstable)
So it's vista 64 or XP 32 for classic Nitris.
DX and you can go Windows 7 64.

--- In, "Job ter Burg (L2B)" <Job_L2@...> wrote:
> P.S. I'm on 8GB. I didn't see the point in more RAM as the Avid can't use more than four. That leaves four for Win 7. I hardly use other apps.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 28 jan. 2011, at 18:46, Christopher Pitbladdo <avid@...> wrote:
> > Thanks gang! It's much appreciated!
> >
> > Enjoy the rest of your Friday.
> > CP
> >
> > *Christopher Pitbladdo
> > Creative Director
> >
> > DB Creative*
> > 496 Ferry Road
> > Edinburgh
> > EH5 2DL
> >
> > Tel: 0131 552 5530
> > Mob: 07590 570 683
> > Email: christopher@... <mailto:christopher@...>
> > Web: <>
> >
> > Award-Winning Avid SD/HD Symphony Editing in Edinburgh
> >
> >
> > On 28/01/2011 17:33, Steve Pomerantz wrote:
> >>
> >> We made the same jump about 2 months ago. Running Symphony 5.0.3 on
> >> Vista 64 with 12 gigs of RAM. I won't say that it's "crash free", but
> >> it's light years ahead of where we were on XP Pro. The shows I'm
> >> onlining now wouldn't have even opened on the old box.
> >>
> >> Steve Pomerantz
> >> Senior Editor
> >> Digital Ranch Productions
> >> Sherman Oaks, CA
> >>
> >> --- In <>,
> >> "Terence Curren" <tcurren@> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Running Symphony on Vista 64 and Windows 7 here also.
> >>>
> >>> --- In <>,
> >> Christopher Pitbladdo <avid@> wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>> Afternoon everyone,
> >>>>
> >>>> So, I upgraded to V5 Symphony a few months back, at the start of a
> >> new
> >>>> project. In the early stages of the edit, I was making simple
> >> cuts, and
> >>>> V5 Symphony was looking swell. Then, as I started getting more
> >> involved
> >>>> with the application, doing more intricate things, my HPXW8600
> >> running
> >>>> Vista Business 32bit started crashing an awful lot... Whenever I was
> >>>> doing anything complex, or zipping around the timeline.
> >>>>
> >>>> I wondered if everyone else was experiencing this, and kinda
> >> dismissed
> >>>> it as the price you pay for being at the cutting edge of the
> >> industry.
> >>>> That, and just being so damn busy, trying to work with the footage
> >> with
> >>>> my director led me not to question the crashing.
> >>>>
> >>>> Today though, with a bit of time on my hands, I decided to look a
> >> little
> >>>> closer at the situation... It was getting silly, with me saving my
> >> work
> >>>> after virtually every single edit.
> >>>>
> >>>> So I started searching the Internet to see if others were
> >> experiencing
> >>>> my 'Std: bad allocation', 'Fatal Error' and 'Core Unable To Do'
> >> errors,
> >>>> that would let me save my work, but then have to restart the
> >>>> application... nine or ten times a day.
> >>>>
> >>>> Imagine my surprise when I learned that Symphony V5 isn't
> >> qualified on a
> >>>> 32bit Vista!
> >>>>
> >>>> So, before I take the plunge and install Windows 7 Professional, I'd
> >>>> just like to ask anyone with a similar setup, are you crash-free? Is
> >>>> everyone else going through this too? Will Windows 7 Pro eliminate
> >> all
> >>>> my woes?
> >>>>
> >>>> Job? Think you've got a similar setup, don't you?
> >>>>
> >>>> Thanks everyone,
> >>>> CP
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> --
> >>>>
> >>>> *Christopher Pitbladdo
> >>>> Creative Director
> >>>>
> >>>> DB Creative*
> >>>> 496 Ferry Road
> >>>> Edinburgh
> >>>> EH5 2DL
> >>>>
> >>>> Tel: 0131 552 5530
> >>>> Mob: 07590 570 683
> >>>> Email: christopher@ <mailto:christopher@>
> >>>> Web: <>
> >>>>
> >>>> Award-Winning Avid SD/HD Symphony Editing in Edinburgh
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------------
> >
> >
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> >
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> >
> >
> >
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