Friday, July 8, 2022
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[Avid-L2] Media tool not working Links:
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Thursday, July 7, 2022
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
Re: [Avid-L2] Transcoding UHD Imported Graphic with Alpha to HD Issue?
I guess my only workflow is to use a copy of the UHD imported clip, to maintain relinking, and re importing at HD offline rez. I'm use to batch re importing for online but this is sort of a hybrid going backwards. I'd like to know why Avid can't transcode a keyable graphic just for my own edification. Links:
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Re: [Avid-L2] Transcoding UHD Imported Graphic with Alpha to HD Issue? Links:
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Re: [Avid-L2] Transcoding UHD Imported Graphic with Alpha to HD Issue? Links:
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Re: [Avid-L2] Transcoding UHD Imported Graphic with Alpha to HD Issue?
I'm offlining a UHD project in 23.976 MC 2018.12.15 on a mid 2012 MacPro. I will be onlining the final project so my workflow has been to bring in things UHD and transcode to HD for offline so my system doesn't get bogged down.Today I downloaded an AE graphics banner to go behind my titles. It's just temp but I'm trying to be consistent. It was an HD graphic so I took it into After Effects and scaled it up and converted it to 23.976. I then did a classic import into the project while in UHD format. All is fine but when I go to transcode to HD I get an error saying there is some sort of matte key effect and that I have to reimport from the original. Am I missing something here? I can't transcode a keyable graphic this doesn't seem correct. What am I missing?Here is the error:John Moore Barking Trout Productions Studio City, CA Links:
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[Avid-L2] Transcoding UHD Imported Graphic with Alpha to HD Issue?
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Fossilized Hyrax Urine
Who knew layers of ancient pee can be a valuable treasure trove of climate change data? Thanks to the hyrax's pair of unusual habits, scientists are afforded a rare look at ancient plant biodiversity and how it has changed through the years. The hyrax, a small herbivorous mammal found Africa and the Middle East, is inclined to live in the same crack in rocks for several generations. The animals also tend to urinate on the same spot. As their urine contains detectable amounts of plant matter like leaves and pollen, scientists are able to track the nitrogen and carbon content through the stacked layers of desiccated hyrax urine (called hyraceum). The Smithsonian blog shares that one group of scientists' most prized data set is a pile of fossilized hyrax urine that has been accumulating for an estimated 55,000 years.
Douglas-firs and Geoducks
"Strange bedfellows" is what scientists labeled the unusual partnership of the Douglas-fir and the geoduck in building accurate climatic measurements. The geoduck is the Pacific Northwest's largest bivalve while the Douglas-fir is known to be an iconic tree in the area. These two radically different species have one thing in common that help researchers establish accurate cimatic measurement patterns: growth rings.
Tree rings from the Douglas-fir reflect climatic conditions that influence growth during particular time periods. However, when these are paired with a second, different species the reliability of the data is understandably boosted. In an article published by the Oregon State University, dendrochonologist Bryan Black explains how applying tree-ring techniques to marine species increases data reliability.
"When we associate rings from one species with known sea surface temperatures, we can account for almost 50 percent of the variability in the instrument records. But when we add the data from a second species, we can increase that number to 70 percent or more. And that's important because it is allowing us to go back and create more accurate models of sea surface temperatures and at time scales more than twice the length of the instrument measurements."
"Each species brings its own 'perspective' of past climate, such that their combination provides a more accurate account," he said.
Sailors care about the weather more than the average person. Through the meticulously kept naval logbooks of the 18th and 19th Century, a citizen science project called Old Weather hopes to gain a better understanding of the daily weather a hundred years ago. Volunteers can sign up with the project and manually transcribe some of the 100,000-odd pages from the logbooks of 18th and 19th century vessels that sailed the Arctic and other parts of the world.
As of present, Old Weather has transcribed 20 percent of the pages of naval logbook records from 17 different ships. Once sufficient information has been collected, scientists coordinating the project will use the weather reports to investigate how microvariations in the Arctic weather corresponded with climate trends in the long term. Volunteers who sign up with the project receive no pay but have the chance to be promoted from ranks of cadet to lieutenant to captain based on the amount of pages they have transcribed.
Coral Cities
Coral polyps may be one of the tiniest animals on Earth, but their colonies are responsible for the largest biologically built structures on the planet. Millions of these tiny creatures build coral cities underwater by using calcium carbonate extracted from warm, tropical ocean waters. Calcium carbonate is the same substance found in bones, teeth, and shells. As with tree rings and mollusk shells, layers of coral skeleton tell stories about the climatic and environmental conditions during the time it was built. Studying these coral cores is the essence of coral paleontology.
Scientists extract cores from these long-lived coral cities on diving expeditions. NOAA explains that for scientists to get an ideal core, they need to drill from the surface directly towards the center. By following a coral's plane of maximum growth scientists can acquire a sample with as many rings as possible. They then X-ray the samples to study climate fluctuations recorded in the coral over the years.
Google Earth Timelapse
If anybody ever wanted to paint a picture of climate change, Google's Timelapse comes close to providing a picture that speaks a thousand words. The Timelapse project is the result of Google's partnership with Time, NASA, and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Timelapse boils down a quarter of century's worth of Landsat satellite data into zoomable time-lapse maps. Timelapse focuses on strategic locations for the best impact, such as Las Vegas, the Amazon, and Dubai.
Each Timelapse image lasts only a few seconds, but it shows how much the the area has changed in the last 25 years. Sometimes the visual changes are shocking, such as the dramatic retreat of the Columbia Glacier o
Monday, July 4, 2022
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Abschließende Mitteilung für die Zahlung des nicht beanspruchten Preisgeldes
Wir möchten Sie informieren, dass das Büro des nicht Beanspruchten Preisgeldes in Spanien,unsere Anwaltskanzlei ernannt hat, als gesetzliche Berater zu handeln, in der Verarbeitung und der Zahlung eines Preisgeldes, das auf Ihrem Namen gutgeschrieben wurde, und nun seit über zwei Jahren nicht beansprucht wurde.
Der Gesamtbetrag der ihnen zusteht beträgt momentan 8.540.225.10 EURO
Das ursprüngliche Preisgeld bertug 5.906.315,00 EURO. Diese Summe wurde fuer nun mehr als zwei Jahre,Gewinnbringend angelegt,daher die aufstockung auf die oben bennante Gesammtsumme. Entsprechend dem Büros des nicht Beanspruchten Preisgeldes,wurde dieses Geld als nicht beanspruchten Gewinn einer Lotteriefirma bei ihnen zum verwalten niedergelegt und in ihrem namen versichert.
Nach Ansicht der Lotteriefirma wurde ihnen das Geld nach einer Weihnachtsförderunglotterie zugesprochen.
Die Kupons wurden von einer Investmentgesellschaft gekauft.Nach Ansicht der Lotteriefirma wurden sie damals Angeschrieben um Sie über dieses Geld zu informieren es hat sich aber leider bis zum Ablauf der gesetzten Frist keiner gemeldet um den Gewinn zu Beanspruchen..
Dieses war der Grund weshalb das Geld zum verwalten niedergelegt wurde. Gemäß des Spanischen Gesetzes muss der inhaber alle zwei Jahre ueber seinen vorhanden Gewinn informiert werden.Sollte dass Geld wieder nicht beansprucht werden,.wird der Gewinn abermals ueber eine Investmentgesellschaft für eine weitere Periode von zwei Jahren angelegt werden.Wir sind daher, durch das Büro des nicht Beanspruchten Preisgelds beauftragt worden sie anzuschreiben. Dies ist eine Notifikation für das Beanspruchen dieses Gelds.
Wir möchten sie darauf hinweisen, dass die Lotterie Gesellschaft überprüfen und bestätigen wird ob ihre Identität uebereinstimmt bevor ihnen ihr Geld ausbezahlt wird. Wir werden sie beraten wie sie ihren Anspruch geltend machen.Bitte setztzen sie sich dafuer mit unserer Deutsch Sprachigen Rechtsanwalt in Verbindung
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Ist zustaendig fuer Auszahlungen ins Ausland und wird ihnen in dieser sache zur seite stehen.Der Anspruch sollte vor den 19-08-2022 geltend gemacht werden,da sonst dass Geld wieder angelegt werden wuerde.Wir freuen uns, von Ihnen zu hören, während wir Ihnen unsere Rechtshilfe Versichern.