Friday, November 22, 2024

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Wednesday, November 20, 2024


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Re: [Avid-L2] Photoshop Resizing of Text Only Resample or Not?

Thanks for the clarification.  In this case there was only Text layers and a background layer.  I don't spend much time with Text stuff in Photoshop.  Now if I had a background still image but the Text were still separate layers I would think only the still image would get resampled and the Text would still be vector based.
What I did kept things pretty simple and it enlarged the whole Text Layer image uniformly so I didn't have to go about resizing the different Text layers individually.
Another basic Photoshop question that I've never really mastered is how to center and the Text elements like I could in Title Tool etc.  My workflow for these Text only .psd was to image resize to the width needed coming from an original .psd that was 680x170.  That size is one of the delivery requests.  I Image resized to both 1080 and 1920 width with the H & V locked.  Then I created a blank 1080x1080 .psd and a blank 1920x1080 .psd.  Then I dragged the layers from the appropriate widthed .psds.  Then I dragged till I got the cross hairs the verical line for horizontal center was obvious but when when I would drag the Text layers up and down there would be various cross hairs and sometimes the cross hairs turned into lines above and below the text surrounding the two layers of text.  I couldn't really tell what the logic was but I figured since the lower text layer was a smaller font size and therefore a shorter height than the top line when the surround lines above and below appeared that was centering the entire group of text.  Kind of like when in title tool you could group different Text Fields/Boxes and then center and justify both lines at the same time.  Can anyone shed some light on the cross hair/ upper and lower line behavior?
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Re: [Avid-L2] Photoshop Resizing of Text Only Resample or Not?

Hi John,

Text and shapes in Ps are not created by pixels, but rather by math (essentially). It's referred to as being 'vector based.' It means text and shapes can be resized from very, very small to very, very large (and back and forth) without any quality loss. As an aside, Adobe Illustrator is a vector based app.

Taking a vector based anything and converting it to pixels is referred to as rasterizing, and we would say that converted thing is 'rasterized.'

So . . . resize text using either point size or the transform tool (e.g. resize, warp, etc.) without any worry of quality loss.

Hope that helps!




On Nov 20, 2024, at 1:39 PM, John Moore <> wrote:

I'm no Photoshop expert by any means and it's been a long sime since I had a class.  I have a document that is Text Only generated in PhotoShop.  The initial delivery request was 680x170 left justified.  Now they want an HD 1920x1080 and a Social Media 1080x1080 version.  I used image size with H&V locked to get the required width.  I then created a new document of 1920x1080 and 1080x1080 and dragged the text layers into it.  Given this is text only that was generated in Photoshop I assume I'm not losing any quality enlarging the image size.  I'm thinking the fonts are vector based aren't they?  I played around and if I don't check resample and do the resize I see no change in the size of the image in the Photoshop window.

I read resampling can make an image softer etc... but is Photoshop Text a different beast in this regard?

John Moore Barking Trout Productions Studio City, CA

Re: [Avid-L2] Photoshop Resizing of Text Only Resample or Not?

The text is vector based until it's rasterized.   If it's your original .psd document you're working with, you should be ok.  If you merged layers, or are working with any other format, you're probably re-sampling.

Greg Huson
GK Huson, LLC
Greg (at)

On Nov 20, 2024, at 11:39, John Moore <> wrote:

I'm no Photoshop expert by any means and it's been a long sime since I had a class.  I have a document that is Text Only generated in PhotoShop.  The initial delivery request was 680x170 left justified.  Now they want an HD 1920x1080 and a Social Media 1080x1080 version.  I used image size with H&V locked to get the required width.  I then created a new document of 1920x1080 and 1080x1080 and dragged the text layers into it.  Given this is text only that was generated in Photoshop I assume I'm not losing any quality enlarging the image size.  I'm thinking the fonts are vector based aren't they?  I played around and if I don't check resample and do the resize I see no change in the size of the image in the Photoshop window.

I read resampling can make an image softer etc... but is Photoshop Text a different beast in this regard?

John Moore Barking Trout Productions Studio City, CA

[Avid-L2] Photoshop Resizing of Text Only Resample or Not?

I'm no Photoshop expert by any means and it's been a long sime since I had a class.  I have a document that is Text Only generated in PhotoShop.  The initial delivery request was 680x170 left justified.  Now they want an HD 1920x1080 and a Social Media 1080x1080 version.  I used image size with H&V locked to get the required width.  I then created a new document of 1920x1080 and 1080x1080 and dragged the text layers into it.  Given this is text only that was generated in Photoshop I assume I'm not losing any quality enlarging the image size.  I'm thinking the fonts are vector based aren't they?  I played around and if I don't check resample and do the resize I see no change in the size of the image in the Photoshop window.

I read resampling can make an image softer etc... but is Photoshop Text a different beast in this regard?

John Moore Barking Trout Productions Studio City, CA

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

[Black Friday]Ray Ban Sunglasses Up To 90% Off! Top Quality Low Cost! Shop Online Now!


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