With a browser that is accessing things over the standard internet protocols does 64 vs. 32 bit factor in? I'm not saying it doesn't but given the volume of people who don't have 64 bit computers I would think a browser interface would be compatible to the lowest common denominator. I get prompts about needing a later version of flash player or sometimes Java but I never thought about it in terms of 64 bit vs 32 bit. Are web pages etc... being designed that will only work with 64 bit computers and 64 bit browsers? I'd like to learn something here. I have found that Firefox sometimes won't interface with my Tek scope but safari will but that behavior has been inconsistent for me to pin down what the intermittent issue is.
--- In Avid-L2@yahoogroups.com, Greg Huson <Greg@...> wrote:
> That makes sense. Discovered recently the Firefox is only 32bit. Annoying, since it's my preferred browser, but 64 bit stuff doesn't seem to work in Firefox.
> GH
> ________________________
> Greg Huson
> Secret Headquarters, Inc
> Greg (at) SecretHQ.com
> www.SecretHQ.com
> DigitalServicsStation.com
> > On Oct 12, 2013, at 10:46 AM, Curtis Nichols <curtisn@...> wrote:
> >
> > Turns out that it works with IE but not Firefox.
> >
> >> On Friday, October 11, 2013, namyrb wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> I'd look into compatible versions of Java.
> >>
> >>> On Wednesday, October 9, 2013, Curtis Nichols wrote:
> >>>
> >>> MC7.02 w/Symph, Win7
> >>>
> >>> I'm background transcoding in MC7. When MC is running, and under Tools I open the Bkg Queue, I see all the clips transcoding. Using the task bar Avid Bkg Services Manager, I right-click to show Bkg Queue. A Firefox window opens up, but it's empty. (http://localhost:8185/layout/av-progress-monitor). I can tell it's running though by watching the Windows Task Mgr and the performance and processes windows. Why doesn't the Bkg Queue from the task bar show the transcoding?
> >>>
> >>> Curtis Nichols
> >>> PCS Production Co.
> >>> Irving, TX.
> >
> >
> > --
> > Curtis Nichols
> > PCS Production Co.
> > Irving, TX.
> >
> >