I'm not sure I follow when you say, "ame way you'd get an alpha in an RGBa file" given these were graphics imported into Avid as RGB level. Like I said before my understanding the Alpha channel stays full range in Avid. So I in effect got an RGBa graphic .mov and once imported into Avid the alpha is full swing. There is no problem in Avid with this but when outputting to tape I did make the levels legal and I inverted the alpha so the white is where the fill video will go which is the way a switcher works, just the opposite of Avid.
--- In Avid-L2@yahoogroups.com, Greg Huson <Greg@...> wrote:
> We've always treated it like we would of 15 years ago- black is black -zero- white is 100. Same way you'd get an alpha in an RGBa file. If delivering QT, export at RGB levels...
> One truck we work with once a year or so, requires XDcam - and treats it like tape- but then ingests it into the EVS. There's a concatenating compression mind-f#ck... you know, if you think about it like John... I try not to do that. ;-)
> GH
> ________________________
> Greg Huson
> Secret Headquarters, Inc
> Greg (at) SecretHQ.com
> www.SecretHQ.com
> DigitalServicsStation.com
> > On Dec 27, 2013, at 8:56 PM, John Pale <pale.edit@...> wrote:
> >
> > I've always just copy/pasted the matte as is and output to tape. Done it many times over many years and never got a single complaint.
> >
> >
> > I also don't usually make separate tapes unless it's for a linear truck. Just put the matte after the fill on the same reel. If the matte starts in black put an x on the frame before it starts. Having separate tapes just increases the chance one will get lost.
> >
> > J
> >
> >
> >> On Friday, December 27, 2013, John Moore wrote:
> >>
> >> I'm building a roll in reel for ingest into an EVS unit for a live show. I've got matte key elements and I've separated out the fill and alpha video. As I understand Avid's matte key structure the fill should be 16-235 and the matte key alpha is actually full range 0-255. Now when I pull out the alpha channel I have super whites and blacks as would be expected. I am hesitant to color correct this into 16-235 as I don't want to distort how the switcher will interpret the key signal. I'm building fill on one tape and alpha on another tape with matching time code so they can sync roll when ingesting into the EVS unit at the remote. I know the TD can tweak his linear keyer but I'm curious if anyone more familiar with the EVS feeding a key signal to a switcher if I should infact bring the matte signal to reside within 0 to 700 milllivolts? TIA
> >>
> >> John Moore
> >> Barking Trout Productions
> >> Studio City, CA
> >> bigfish@...
> >
> >