Thanks Rob. Aware of that, but looking to figure out when and how is this file updated and when should it be run?
I recently downloaded the correct updater file (just before my expiration date), ran it and it did nothing. The avid application manager could not find a valid matching file for my dongle.
I have many dongled customer systems to sort this out with soon.
But this can wait till after the New Years hangovers, y'all. Have fun!
Still counting down in Hawaii,..
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If you sign in to your master account on the Avid site, you can download an updated .avd file use with Dongle Manager.
Better than last year,..
What about dongled systems? When and how should those be "updated" (via a dongle updater file)?
Happy Healthy New Year!
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Hey L2r's
I've gotten some additional info and wanted to update everyone on the Media Composer Upgrade & Support Plan renewal emails you keep receiving from Avid. I know many of you have already taken advantage of the renewal offer, as I have checked a lot of your My Avid accounts, and you have renewed; however, you may still receive the promotional emails even after you've taken action.
The cause I am told is the lag time between when we pull the lists, and when we send the emails out. It takes time for your renewals to populate our customer data base, and this lag time may result in some people receiving additional promotional emails. Sorry...… Please know that if you HAVE renewed your Upgrade & Support Plan, and the plan shows a new date of 2016 in your My Avid ( ) then your renewal is in effect/valid, even if you have received additional promotional emails asking you to renew.
This part is important and what a lot of folks are missing....... Your license needs to be updated no more than once per year (every 365 days) any time after your upgrade and support plan has been renewed. So if you just renewed, you should deactivate/activate the license in AppMan in order to update it to the new date. It is not necessary, however, to update your license if you are not performing a software update. I.e you renewed your plan but still plan to run 8.4.2 for example. If you are on 8.4.2, renewed your plan recently and are going to 8.4.4, then you must perform the deactivate/activate the license in AppMan in order to update it to the new date. If your upgrade and support plan is successfully renewed, but you are not going to upgrade your software version at this time, then you do not need to upgrade your license.
**** Licenses only need to be updated when you have renewed your upgrade and support plan and are performing a software upgrade to a version that was released after your previous upgrade and support plan expired. ****
We are aware of the AppMan tabs indicating the old expiration date(s) in some instances. Disregard as long as the My Avid date is correct. Also disregard the bubble message that pops up - as annoying as it is, it wont affect the editing application for launching. A new AppMan is coming that will correct this.
We truly apologize for the confusion over this whole thing. I have been assured that we will work to make this process much better in the future to avoid this confusion.
Thanks for your understanding.
Happy New year all.....