So I was able to get a copy of the original OTF fonts from the project I was working on. When I load them onto my home Mac System OS 10.12.5 Avid 8.9.4 all the different fonts are listed properly in Avid Title Tool. This was not my experience on the PC based facility system not sure which windows OS but it was Avid 8.6.5. While my mac home system with show EnglishGrotesque Bold, and EnglishGrotesque Medium etc... in the font choices on the PC when I just loaded EnglishGrotesque Bold it appeared as a choice in Title Tool as just EnglishGroteque. Then when I added a second variant of EnglishGrotesque to the computer I still only saw one choice for EnglishGrotesque in Titile tool. I did restart Avid after adding each font so that's not the issue.
My quick google says that OTF fonts are supposed to work properly in both Mac and PC so I'm still in a quandary as to what the facility did to convert the fonts for proper functionality in Avid PC title tool.
I played around with TransType Pro and found the following properties for the bold version:
Font Family: EnglishGroutesque
Style name: Bold
Full name: EnglishGrotesque Bold
PS Font name: EnglishGrotesque-Bold
Menu name: EnglishGrotesque-Bold
OT Family name: EnglishGrotesque
OT Style name: Bold
On my mac home system in title tool this font was listed as EnglishGroteque Bold where as on the facility pc the title tool just showed EnglishGroteque. Does this mean that the PC system is using either the Font Family or OT Family name instead of how the mac system seems to be listing the Full name property?
There are all kinds of interesting but overwhelming elements to fonts that I have no clear understanding of. It doesn't seem like this should be so convoluted but what can I say? Are there any Fontologists out there with some insight as to what's going on here. I now know there is a way to convert and fix the issue I had I just don't know what they did.
And as always in case you forgot. I HATE FONTS!!!
---In, <bigfish@...> wrote :
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