Friday, March 30, 2018

[Avid-L2] MC 18.3.0


How is MC 18.3.0 working for people?  Anyone finding it stable?  Still on 8.9.4 but behavior is a bit unreliable.

Lou Wirth Productions
500Tamal Plaza, Suite 522
Corte Madera, CA 94925


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Wednesday, March 28, 2018

[Avid-L2] Re: [Editing-List] Bad Pixel changes location on HDMI 4K LG OLED monitor?


No I believe Mark Spano has a probable suggestion that it is the LG monitor screen shift function that reduces the chance of image burn in by shifting the displayed image at regular intervals.  So far I can't find out how long those intervals are but it makes sense.

Given my BCC Pixel Fix effect works even when the pixel issue seems to move on the LG screen tells me that the bad pixel isn't moving.  If it were then I'd have to adjust the BCC Pixel Fixer effect.

---In, <pat@...> wrote :

Is it possible they used pan and scan within the shot? That would cause it to move.


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[Avid-L2] Does Timeline Quality Setting Effect Renders, Precomputes, Tape Outputs, File Exports?


Can someone confirm or deny that Timeline Quality effects Renders, Precomputes, Tape Outputs, File Exports or anything else.  I seem to recall for digital cuts there was a time when Avid forced the Timeline Settings to full green during digital cut but my recollection is hazy.  Given Timeline Settings effect the video out of I/O hardware I would think they might effect a digital cut but what about renders, exports etc...?  I looked up an old thread on the Avid forums but didn't really see a definitive answer:

Re: Timeline quality setting affecting digital cut & file export

According to the Avid manual, precomputes are definitely affected by timeline video quality settings:
Ensuring the Quality Level of Precomputed Clips Before you export or output your sequence, you must ensure that all your precomputed clips have been rendered using the desired quality settings. Your Avid editing application cannot always recognize that it needs to re-render effects when you change a quality setting. You must manually purge and re-render precomputed clips to ensure that all effects render with the desired quality. In general, you need to purge and re-render if you have rendered effects while working in a lower quality setting and have then switched to a higher quality setting. In contrast, if you render in a higher quality and switch to a lower quality, you do not always need to re-render. The quality of the precomputed clips is higher than that of the sequence and they are downconverted in real-time during playback. In this case, you should re-render only if you want to improve playback performance or maintain a consistent rendering quality across all clips.
You need to consider re-rendering your precomputes if you change any of the settings listed in the following table.
John Moore Barking Trout Productions Studio City, CA


Posted by: John Moore <>
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[Avid-L2] Re: [Editing-List] Bad Pixel changes location on HDMI 4K LG OLED monitor?


Is it possible they used pan and scan within the shot? That would cause it to move.


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Tuesday, March 27, 2018

[Avid-L2] File - FAQ AVID-L2.txt


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Avid-L was established in 1994 at Calvin College by Steven Koster.
It was created to be a forum for Avid users to meet, discuss, and share

Avid-L quickly grew into the premiere on-line users group for
professional film and video editors. It was one of the earliest examples

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At various times, individual subscribers volunteered services to the
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Birkhead of Innovative Edit. Wes Plate, a longtime contributor, not only

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for members' portraits.

In 1997, several subscribers began a tradition of meeting in person at
the NAB trade show in Las Vegas. The first gatherings were organized by Jaime Fowler. In 1999,
Avid Technology itself began sponsoring these gatherings as an exclusive reception and seminar for Avid-L members only. In 2002, this changed to the "Avid Users Group" meeting.

By 1999, Avid-L boasted over 1600 subscribers, exhibiting a true
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In 2000, Avid-L joined, and then, in 2002, was integrated

In 2005 Due to problems with signal to noise ratio and abusive posters, the Avid-L2 was formed. A year later the Avid-L was discontinued by Avid.

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[Avid-L2] Re: [Editing-List] Bad Pixel changes location on HDMI 4K LG OLED monitor?


That's a great tip.  There is a screen shift control on or off right next to a Clear Panel Noise.  according to the OSD Screen Shift= Screen Shifts at reglarr time intervals to prevent panel noise.  Clear Panel Noise= Use this option to improve picture quality that may result after your TV has been turned on for an extended period of time. 

The clear panel noise happens when you turn the set off and takes about an hour.  It says a white line may appear at various points in the screen when this is going on.  I'm not sure why they call it panel noise it sounds like burn in to me.  The Sony OLEDs will dim if parked on a still frame for too long for what I would assume is a similar burn in concern.

Well next time I'm pixel hunting I'll check that out by turning it off.  Sure sounds like it might be the culprit.  I'm just curious why the edges of the frame always seem to be very similar to the sony pvm a250.  I wonder if the picture shift occurs more in the middle area of the screen and the edges remain fairly constant.

---In, <cutandcover@...> wrote :

Screen saver.

Many monitors these days have a burn-in saver feature that slightly shifts the picture around by pixels so that the display is saved from burn-in. Many times this can be lowered as effect but not turned off. The last models of Panasonic plasmas have it, and you can not turn it off.

On Tue, Mar 27, 2018 at 6:00 PM, John Moore bigfish@... [Editing-List] <> wrote:

I've been hunting 4K pixels the last couple of days.  Gotta love QC.  25 pages with 203 issues.  Almost all the issues are with the two main cameras and some bad pixels that are intermittent.  My monitor for the hunt is:

I have a PVM A250 reference monitor feed off the down convert output spigot 3 of the DNxIO.  The project is 4K 4096x2160.  I set the video hardware to 3840x2160 UHD so the LG 4K UHD monitor gets the proper piller box which in this case is a letterbox.

After much scrutiny I find the pixels in question and I tear off a post it and stick it to the LG screen to make it obvious to the eye.  I've also jacked up the black level like crazy.  This was a suggestion by QC folks last year when they told me they were using an LG OLED.  Unlike the Sony the black level can be raised way up.

So I find the pixels and put up the post its to mark them on the LG.  I use BCC Pixel fixer and voila it works.  Throughout the day as I come to other shots from the same camera I see the flickering pixel issues but they have moved not quite a half inch from where I had put the post its on the other shot from the same camera.  WTF?  When I put the saved BCC Pixel Fixer effect on it works perfectly so to me that means the bad pixels are still in the same place on the raster.  So what would make the pixels appear in slightly different positions on the LG monitor?

The pixel movement seems to be side to side on the LG screen.  I found myself retweaking the post its to better line up with the bad pixels but then 5 to 10 minutes later on another shot from the same camera they are off again.  I can't imagine the post its are sliding on the screen surface.  The bad pixels are so small I can't really make them out on the PVM A250 but the edges of the rasters appear to be virtually identical when I look at bright points of light at the edge of the screen they appear to be in the same position relative to the edge of the screen between the PVM and the LG OLED 55 inch.

To the best of my knowledge I've turned off all the picture controls that handle denoising etc... so I don't think that would be causing any shift in the image position on the screen.  I don't use the LG for critical color correction or image analysis but for pixel hunting it helps with the raised black level and large screen size.  It's feed with HDMI out of the DNxIO so it gets a UHD signal.  It will also display a 2K 2048x2160 image if I set the Avid video hardware to 4096x2160 but it then stretches the image vertically regardless of the settings for piller box in Avid.  I assume when I set the Avid Video Hardware to 4096x2160 the HDMI signal is still UHD but then there is no letterboxing.

Bottom line I don't really know why the bad pixels seem to move side to side from the post its.  I spent the day chasing them back and forth but given the pixel fixer effect always worked I have to believe the pixels are in the same spot it's just something in the display signal flow/monitor that are shifting the apparent position on screen.

Anybody ever noticed this type of behavior?
John Moore Barking Trout Productions Studio City, CA bigfish@...


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[Avid-L2] Re: [Editing-List] Bad Pixel changes location on HDMI 4K LG OLED monitor?


Screen saver.

Many monitors these days have a burn-in saver feature that slightly shifts the picture around by pixels so that the display is saved from burn-in. Many times this can be lowered as effect but not turned off. The last models of Panasonic plasmas have it, and you can not turn it off.

On Tue, Mar 27, 2018 at 6:00 PM, John Moore [Editing-List] <> wrote:

I've been hunting 4K pixels the last couple of days.  Gotta love QC.  25 pages with 203 issues.  Almost all the issues are with the two main cameras and some bad pixels that are intermittent.  My monitor for the hunt is:

I have a PVM A250 reference monitor feed off the down convert output spigot 3 of the DNxIO.  The project is 4K 4096x2160.  I set the video hardware to 3840x2160 UHD so the LG 4K UHD monitor gets the proper piller box which in this case is a letterbox.

After much scrutiny I find the pixels in question and I tear off a post it and stick it to the LG screen to make it obvious to the eye.  I've also jacked up the black level like crazy.  This was a suggestion by QC folks last year when they told me they were using an LG OLED.  Unlike the Sony the black level can be raised way up.

So I find the pixels and put up the post its to mark them on the LG.  I use BCC Pixel fixer and voila it works.  Throughout the day as I come to other shots from the same camera I see the flickering pixel issues but they have moved not quite a half inch from where I had put the post its on the other shot from the same camera.  WTF?  When I put the saved BCC Pixel Fixer effect on it works perfectly so to me that means the bad pixels are still in the same place on the raster.  So what would make the pixels appear in slightly different positions on the LG monitor?

The pixel movement seems to be side to side on the LG screen.  I found myself retweaking the post its to better line up with the bad pixels but then 5 to 10 minutes later on another shot from the same camera they are off again.  I can't imagine the post its are sliding on the screen surface.  The bad pixels are so small I can't really make them out on the PVM A250 but the edges of the rasters appear to be virtually identical when I look at bright points of light at the edge of the screen they appear to be in the same position relative to the edge of the screen between the PVM and the LG OLED 55 inch.

To the best of my knowledge I've turned off all the picture controls that handle denoising etc... so I don't think that would be causing any shift in the image position on the screen.  I don't use the LG for critical color correction or image analysis but for pixel hunting it helps with the raised black level and large screen size.  It's feed with HDMI out of the DNxIO so it gets a UHD signal.  It will also display a 2K 2048x2160 image if I set the Avid video hardware to 4096x2160 but it then stretches the image vertically regardless of the settings for piller box in Avid.  I assume when I set the Avid Video Hardware to 4096x2160 the HDMI signal is still UHD but then there is no letterboxing.

Bottom line I don't really know why the bad pixels seem to move side to side from the post its.  I spent the day chasing them back and forth but given the pixel fixer effect always worked I have to believe the pixels are in the same spot it's just something in the display signal flow/monitor that are shifting the apparent position on screen.

Anybody ever noticed this type of behavior?
John Moore Barking Trout Productions Studio City, CA


Posted by: Mark Spano <>
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this is the Avid-L2



[Avid-L2] Bad Pixel changes location on HDMI 4K LG OLED monitor?


I've been hunting 4K pixels the last couple of days.  Gotta love QC.  25 pages with 203 issues.  Almost all the issues are with the two main cameras and some bad pixels that are intermittent.  My monitor for the hunt is:

I have a PVM A250 reference monitor feed off the down convert output spigot 3 of the DNxIO.  The project is 4K 4096x2160.  I set the video hardware to 3840x2160 UHD so the LG 4K UHD monitor gets the proper piller box which in this case is a letterbox.

After much scrutiny I find the pixels in question and I tear off a post it and stick it to the LG screen to make it obvious to the eye.  I've also jacked up the black level like crazy.  This was a suggestion by QC folks last year when they told me they were using an LG OLED.  Unlike the Sony the black level can be raised way up.

So I find the pixels and put up the post its to mark them on the LG.  I use BCC Pixel fixer and voila it works.  Throughout the day as I come to other shots from the same camera I see the flickering pixel issues but they have moved not quite a half inch from where I had put the post its on the other shot from the same camera.  WTF?  When I put the saved BCC Pixel Fixer effect on it works perfectly so to me that means the bad pixels are still in the same place on the raster.  So what would make the pixels appear in slightly different positions on the LG monitor?

The pixel movement seems to be side to side on the LG screen.  I found myself retweaking the post its to better line up with the bad pixels but then 5 to 10 minutes later on another shot from the same camera they are off again.  I can't imagine the post its are sliding on the screen surface.  The bad pixels are so small I can't really make them out on the PVM A250 but the edges of the rasters appear to be virtually identical when I look at bright points of light at the edge of the screen they appear to be in the same position relative to the edge of the screen between the PVM and the LG OLED 55 inch.

To the best of my knowledge I've turned off all the picture controls that handle denoising etc... so I don't think that would be causing any shift in the image position on the screen.  I don't use the LG for critical color correction or image analysis but for pixel hunting it helps with the raised black level and large screen size.  It's feed with HDMI out of the DNxIO so it gets a UHD signal.  It will also display a 2K 2048x2160 image if I set the Avid video hardware to 4096x2160 but it then stretches the image vertically regardless of the settings for piller box in Avid.  I assume when I set the Avid Video Hardware to 4096x2160 the HDMI signal is still UHD but then there is no letterboxing.

Bottom line I don't really know why the bad pixels seem to move side to side from the post its.  I spent the day chasing them back and forth but given the pixel fixer effect always worked I have to believe the pixels are in the same spot it's just something in the display signal flow/monitor that are shifting the apparent position on screen.

Anybody ever noticed this type of behavior?
John Moore Barking Trout Productions Studio City, CA


Posted by: John Moore <>
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With 4.5 stars in iTunes, the Yahoo Mail app is the highest rated email app on the market. What are you waiting for? Now you can access all your inboxes (Gmail, Outlook, AOL and more) in one place. Never delete an email again with 1000GB of free cloud storage.

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Monday, March 26, 2018

[Avid-L2] FR for Matte Keys


Now that we can match frame to imported Matte Keys,
can we further up their game and allow them show Clip Color in the timeline as well?




Posted by: Rob Chatlin <>
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Have you tried the highest rated email app?
With 4.5 stars in iTunes, the Yahoo Mail app is the highest rated email app on the market. What are you waiting for? Now you can access all your inboxes (Gmail, Outlook, AOL and more) in one place. Never delete an email again with 1000GB of free cloud storage.

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Sunday, March 25, 2018

[Avid-L2] Q + [FR]s for Script Integration (ScriptSync)


other nice people

Hey L2-ers,

I'm refreshing myself on Script Integration (commonly referred to as ScriptSync).
I have one question (which might actually be a feature request), and a few other Feature Requests to pass along:

QUESTION (maybe a FR?):
Is there a way to combine two or more individual 'Takes' that are already placed in the script window (and likely already synced) into a single "Slate?" And, vice versa: is there a way to separate shared takes (meaning they share a single 'slate') into individual slates (either separating all 'takes' at one time, or being able to disconnect them one at a time)?

Mappable Tool bar in Script Window (for additional Set Color buttons).

More 'Set Color' buttons, so that several preset-colors (e.g. red, green, blue, purple, and yellow) can be configured and displayed in the Script Window (and mappable to keyboard), essentially like we can with Markers .

Add Script Mark button at top of script window. I think this would be helpful for new users, as well as the occasions when a mouse click would just be easier/faster (rare, I know).

Customizability of the 'Take Tab'/Take number size (it's a very small target to hit, and to read).

Lastly, the Avid Help files don't reflect a few of the recent updates. None were were so off that it couldn't easily be figured out, but I still wanted to give a heads-up.

Thanks all!

Benjamin Hershleder  


Posted by: Benjamin Hershleder <>
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