Here are some of my thoughts about some tests that I have been doing.
maybe this is helpful information?
---> relinking "Master Clip(s)" with populated metadata in a user created custom column as the locking gear for linking video essence with an Avid Bin <---
...if master clips have the same two matching columns (one)"AUX TC2" metadata (usually populated with start timecode metadata) and a custom column like (two)"LINK" (usually populated with original clip file name as the metadata), with the Avid Media Composer relink command, the user can choose those two columns of populated metadata for master clips as the relinking locking gear for metadata to relink to different versions of video essence.
For newer version of Media Composer / Symphony - Relinking master clip metadata to essence control is now possible no matter how the source file/tape was ingested and turned into that Avid Master Clip that lives in an Avid Bin. I have tested millions of links!!!
I love that for some commands Avid has at least 3 different ways to do the same command, just in-case 2 of the ways are currently not functioning, then the 3rd way might come in handy.
(A note, A master clip lives in an Avid Bin. In the Avid Graphic User Interface (GUI) the bin lives in the Project Window. In the Operating System Graphic User Interface the Bin lives on some storage. We can rename bins in the Avid by clicking the name of the bin in the Project Window.)
some extra details about Avid "Master Clips" metadata to (re)link to other "Master Clips" that are pointing to different versions of video essence:
- duration of source file / tape
- frames per second of source file / tape - Avid assigns a timecode metadata frame counting in time for each frame of video (note - this is fascinating metadata by default and where the Avid depending on situations like - format of project / tape source modified / version Media Composer v8.3 clip frame rate definable / format of project when importing AAF from Resolve / etc, the Avid creates the frame count metadata (HD/SD/4K))
- start timecode metadata - start the frame timecode metadata
- Master Clip container linking metadata Name to be used ---> this is where I am using the "LINK" column metadata - if both master clips have this exact metadata populated in the custom column for the master clip, then when using the Avid Relink command the user can choose this custom column metadata for the relink. Like the name of a tape, or the name of a file. Metadata I use as a unique name for my original file on the storage device. With this name at any time I can look at the original file / tape too!!! And that means I can relink if the drives fail and I need to relink to new drives, re-digitize, a digital non-linear random access recovery method, etc...
Media Composer custom column (re)linking tech tip...
sometimes to get this relinking gear, the project needs a refresh of media objects-> after the editing of metadata for master clips, clearing the Avid bin memory found in the project window "info" tab, and then clicking "Clear Bin Memory". Or manually closing all the Avid Media Composer bins and quiting the Avid Application and then restarting the Media Composer Application
and then the relinking command will work
now the art can hopefully take place
- scott freeman
scott freeman's art
Avid Video Mixdowns as DaVinci Resolve Sources : AVID
Unbreakable Conform for Avid Symphony & DaVinci Resolve : AVID