Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Re: [Avid-L2] Workflow for Indie Feature


Extra two cent from someone who doesn't shoot features...

Rec709 vs. LogC. How's the DP? 

Great DP who will get it on-set but I'm going to push back and see if we can shoot LogC

Be careful that the DP and everyone else knows how to shoot Log. Yes, Log is better, but it's also a more complicated to shoot and finish. It's best if you are monitoring a rough adjusted picture, not the raw Log. The DP should also be taking advantage of the added range. Just flipping the switch doesn't get you all the way there.

Features should be shot Log.

 - OK, so you're saying 2K is not enough bigger to warrant FrameFlexing or somehow uprezzing any re-sized shots. Fair enough, I'll just do what I normally do.

2K is feature resolution. It is slightly wider than HD (128 pixels) but not taller. The extra pixels are meant for wider aspect, not blowup.

Bringing in the footage. ... What's the division of labor? 

- That's the big question! DIT was going to hopefully do transcoding but its a little unclear. I'll dig in.

See answer number one. If you are shooting Log and the DP has not done this before, hire a real DIT. This is especially true if this is everyone's first feature!

DIT = Digital Image Technician. A real DIT is your technical expert on set. They are hired because they know more than anyone else on set about technical image quality. He/she is the DPs partner in crime. In many circles, what passes for DIT is merely a media wrangler. I know people like to call this person the "DIT" but it's not the same thing.

Yes, you should have one if you are shooting LogC. If he can't answer your questions, then he is not qualified.


P.S. Everything is, of course, subject to budget and ambition. You can shoot a feature with an iPhone if you wish. Won't look as pretty, but it can still be art… and make money.

Bottom line, back up. 

- Amen. Thanks for the reminder. 

On Aug 15, 2016, at 12:31 PM, jesseg132001@... [Avid-L2] <Avid-L2@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

Hello folks! 

I'm about to start editing an Indie feature, need to formulate a plan for post.

I thought this might be a good place to ask for some thoughts/insight. Your help is GREATLY appreciated.

- Shooting on ARRI: ProRes 2K at rec 709

- Editing with Avid 8.x

- DIT on-set to backup and transcode footage. 

- Post responsible for upload of dailies

- Post needs to prep movie for projected screenings as the edit progresses

Here are some of the questions I have. Again, I appreciate any advice. 

- Which codec is best for editorial? - DNX36?

- If we do use DNX36 will it look ok for projected screenings?

- How hard should I argue for them to shoot LogC as opposed to rec 709?

- Given 2K acquisition, what is the best way to access the resolution in the case of blowing up/re-positioning shots?
- What is the best process to bring in the footage/what should I ask the DIT for? 

Again I appreciate any thoughts you might have. I normally work on tv series with a robust post department that works this all out, so its a bit of a first for me.




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