Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Re: [Avid-L2] Laggy Avid Relational Color Corrector Response?


I noticed you briefly mentioned the playlength command. Does that mean that you've tried using the CC tool in 'src clip name' mode with the playlength command set to ON? If this is the case, and it's still laggy then that would imply that the CC tool always scans the whole timeline irrespective of the setting of the playlength command.  I've certainly noticed that the whole system is less responsive in CC mode than when purely in timeline mode.

One thing I can suggest that might speed things up is to disable the 'previous' and 'next' windows.

One final thought on how to speed things up....

1) Make a copy of your timeline (minus audio tracks) and remove a good portion of the later cuts (say two thirds) leaving just enough to be representative of the sources you're using in the full edit.

2) Colour correct this shortened version using the 'src clip name' mode in the CC tool. Hopefully this will be much more responsive with less clips.

3) Use the CC tool's 'Update colour correction' feature to transfer these colour adjustments to your full timeline. Hopefully this will result in Avid updating the rest of your clips without any further intervention.

4) Flatten your colour adjustments on the full timeline so that they become 'source segment' adjustments. You should now be able to fine-tweak your work with reasonable responsiveness.


---In Avid-L2@yahoogroups.com, <bigfish@...> wrote :

I am using a single track ball.  Pen on Wacom is laggy too.  It is night and day when I switch to src segment.  It really is just like the laggy response I get color correcting a shot with fluid motion motion effect.  For the two main cameras there are around 200 clips with the same name.  Other shots with fewer of the same name and response is normal.  Even typing in numeric numbers for setup has a slight delay.  I don't know at what point the number of clips with the same src clip name start to bog down the color correction to where it is noticable  but it is clear as day and it explains what I've seen over the years I just never put relational color correction and the number of clips being effect at the same time by the color correction as a factor for the lag.  It also explains why I'd have the issue on a show and then it would magically seem to disappear later in the timeline where I'd entered a section with more unique clips that had differing names and few related clip names elsewhere in the timeline.  I was always thinking maybe a playlength issue or loading pipes causing the behavior.

This isn't the laggy/granulated response of the Artist Color panel.  I roll the kinsington Expert mouse track ball and the cursor and vector on the scope don't update for what feels like a half second or more.  It makes track balling virtually unusable.

---In avid-l2@yahoogroups.com, <Steve@...> wrote :

How's the response if you use a mouse or single trackball?

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 18, 2015, at 6:50 PM, John Moore bigfish@... [Avid-L2] <Avid-L2@yahoogroups.com> wrote:


I'm working on an hour plus show.  Timeline is all straight cuts with a 5 camera Alexa/Amira shoot.  Media is DNX 175X.  Project 23,976.  Media was created in Resolve applying the Arri log C to Rec 709 LUT.  Mac mid 2010 MacPro Upgrade to 12 core 2x 6 3.33GHz with 24 GB 1333 MHz DDR3 Ram.  I noticed the color correction was really laggy in response.  Hue offsets with my track ball were virtually unusable.  I did a complete reboot but same response.  I finally tried choosing source segment instead of src clip name and voila normal response.  I assume this is because of the nature of this show with a couple of hundred clips with the same name the application in relational mode is sluggish.  I've experienced sluggishness before but never equated it to the relational color correction.  Most shows only have a handful of clips with the same name so this explains why I only rarely see this behavior.  I have always figured it was more media, system related or something else.  I do see similar behavior on a fluid motion effect which I can change the mode for snappier color correction but these are straight clips.  Learn something new everyday.  Now I see what I've been missing in all my long multicam shows with only 5 or 6 camera sources.

Now I'm just color correcting the first clip in src segment mode and then reapplying in in src clip name.  Hope this helps someone else.
John Moore Barking Trout Productions Studio City, CA bigfish@...


Posted by: bruno@mansi.demon.co.uk
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