Thursday, August 6, 2015

Re: [Avid-L2] RGB levels from Tiffen and other 3rd party AVX effects?


What makes more sense is for the world to get onto the Aces band wagon and adopt transforms for output.

We do everything full range now and output appropriately, seems we could add transforms to and from outboard processing. 

What is distressing is that it's still down to manual labour choosing settings when every camera records all the needed info in the file header.

Id like to see auto input transforms in every system and a selection at export time - rec709, rgb or dci.


On 7 Aug 2015, at 9:20 am, [Avid-L2] <> wrote:


"Color correcting means correcting things like these."
Yes but if I have a perfectly legal color corrected shot and I apply the tiffen day for night I would like for it to come back with the effect in 709 space not RGB so that I then have to add a color correction effect to bring it back into legal.  Now if the BCC legal check box is just clipping that's not great but usually I see it chopping the glows etc... that are whacky anyways but it doesn't take the base shot and alter the overall color space.

As you say the proper way would be to scale the effect output and I don't think that option is asking too much of an avx plugin.  I do see that when the Tiffen effects open in their own interface that there is a reason for them to display as RGB because more than likely they are being seen in a computer screen that is working in  RGB space.  Doesn't it make sense for those RGB levels to be scaled to 709 space if that's what I'm working on in my Avid timeline?

---In, <Job_L2@...> wrote :

That's what happens if you manipulate color levels, which is what these filters do.
I think in the past, they were clipped/crushed to legal, which is not what you would normally want. Color correcting means correcting things like these.

On 6 aug. 2015, at 08:57, John Moore bigfish@... [Avid-L2] <> wrote:

I notice that the effects come back into Avid at illegal RGB levels


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