Friday, June 15, 2012

[Avid-L2] Stereo Project and EDL manager



Long time lurker, used to post more (loooong time ago) but I'm not on the avid as much these days.

Quick question regarding stereo edits. We're having some issues with a stereo project we're working on and I thought I'd send it out to the collective and see if anyone has run across this (I did a search in the archives but didn't find anything).

Stereo project, everything is cut and locked, all time code looks good, project looks good. BUT when we output an EDL through EDL manager, we are seeing a slip in one of the two eyes in time code (consistently 2 frames, NOT in the same direction, and always the same eye). It does not happen on every clip, it's about half of them. Can't seem to find any difference in the clips that would indicate why these specific clips are slipping and others aren't. All are from the same stereo rig (Red Epic).

I think, at this point, our only solution is to slip these in the final conform/DI or potentially edit the edl's themselves, but thought I'd throw it out there.

Media Composer
EDL Manager 28.0.1



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