Monday, February 20, 2012

[Avid-L2] Re: Red Scarlet Workflow


You may want to check, but I don't know which apps read the Scarlet files yet, if any. Your best bet is to use RED's Redcine-X Pro to get the best looking QT or MXF files from the Redcode Raw and then never go back to the camera files, unless absolutely necessary. Most people working this way using the Redgamma2/RedLogFilm settings to get something close to a Log-C style look and then grade from those like they would Alexa files.

Since you are mixing EX files, it sounds like this will be an HD finish anyway, so no need to worry about 4K or anything like that. You should probably do some testing to make sure the DP generates good looking files in the field, so you don't have to undo the look the crew generates. I run into a lot of owner/DPs using RED who err a bit too much on the "fix it in post, because it's RAW" side and give the editors sloppy footage to work with.

- Oliver

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