Saturday, April 16, 2011

Re: [Avid-L2] Re: FCP X... Discuss...


I wouldn't expect Avid to match the Apple model, just make SOME move to stay current and create a real finishing product. Symphony is becoming laughable, and soon all pretense that it's really hanging onto the high ground will be gone, it it's not already.

Finally, a word about iMovie and it's love child, FCP X. I'm really not interested in learning new interface tools for the sake of learning new interface tools; I've have other ways to keep my mind "young" as Steve suggested (though I don't have any desire to experience the world as an 11 year old does). Editing itself keeps ones mind nimble, I think, along with many other sorts of mental work available to me. Someone has to demonstrate, in a real way, how the new interface contributes to ease of workflow, speed, creative connection, or anything else we value in our work lives. While I've argued for currency with Symphony, currency is in fact only valuable to me when it really means "better," not just new.

I've struggled through the first part of the FCP X presentation, and I thought it was long on fan-boy audience pleasers, but rather short on real editing scenarios. I hope the next part of my homework is more interesting.


-----Original Message-----
From: Terence Curren <>
Sent: Sat, Apr 16, 2011 7:22 am
Subject: [Avid-L2] Re: FCP X... Discuss...

--- In, Shirley Gutierrez <guanacaa@...> wrote:

<<I'm with you on just about everything here, especially the bit about rolling
Symphony and DS together to make some sort of real finishing product.>>

To match the Apple model, Avid would have to give away MC for about 20
bucks. Then you could upgrade to Symphony which would add all kinds of cool
features for 299. That just can't be done. Avid doesn't get the benefit of
selling the hardware required to run said applications.

We also don't know whether the separate applications, like motion, are
going to be an extra cost or included.


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