Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Re: [Avid-L2] Re: fields on Dig Cut


We had to get it out last night, so we just hit record+play on the Panny 1700
deck and hit play on Avid. So the show got out fine.

There were two elements in the show - the mixdown of the program and imported
built-in spots. All brought to me on an external drive without original source
material. I don't know of any options in creating a mixdown that could flip the
fields. The built-in spots in the show were not mixdowns - they were imports,
and had the most noticeable field issues. BUT, the big issue was the difference
between playing the timeline and doing a digital cut. When I hit play,
everything looked fine on the record monitor and the external HD monitor. When I
did a digital cut, all of the imported spots were field reversed, and some of
the mixdown segments looked field reversed. Only some of the mixdown had enough
motion to expose field reversal - waving arms, motion graphics, tilts on static

I was able to verify that the problem was not with my system, though. The client
had done a digital cut to XDCAM on his system, and the fields were reversed.

Curtis Nichols
Señor Editor
PCS Production Co.
Irving, Tx.
"Please call me if you don't receive this email."

From: Terence Curren
Subject: [Avid-L2] Re: fields on Dig Cut

Could the fields be inverted on the mixdown, or your import?

Where does it look okay, in the record window, or on an external monitor during

--- In, Curtis Nichols <curtisnpcs@...> wrote:
> I have a project 1080i 5994. Playing back a mixdown that was brought to me.
> Playing the sequence looks fine. But when I make a digital Cut, I have reversed
> fields. What the heck is going on here?

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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