Saturday, August 31, 2024

Re: [Avid-L2] OT: Words can not describe my sadness over the Oki Dog News!!!

I  can see how this could make you nostalgic and sad.  I'm not at all certain that very many folks share you're love of this culinary landmark.

'Dancing Waters,' once a bowling alley, once Jake Lamotta's nightclub in 'raging bull,'  a popular Pedro punk club at one point, the a mysteriously ended Spanish-language disco, is also completely gone now.  Like, there's a hole in the ground, where a generic apartment box will soon rise.  

Maybe okidog should have been landmarked?

Punk history gets no respect.

Greg Huson
GK Huson, LLC
Greg (at)

On Aug 31, 2024, at 13:00, John Moore via <> wrote:

John Moore Barking Trout Productions Studio City, CA

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