Friday, March 17, 2023

Re: [Avid-L2] Quicklimes with wrong levels flags.

Hi John,

The problem with checking that box is that it actually scales the levels, which is exactly what I don't want to do.  Then, while I may have a file flagged as Full Range, it has actually had it's already correct levels expanded to be wrong.


Dave Hogan

On Mar 17, 2023, at 2:11 AM, John Moore <> wrote:

I don't recall what is or isn't available on that version of Avid but when exporting from Avid can't you check scale legal to full range or did they call it RGB back on that version, before they changed the nomenclature in Avid to more accurately reflect current terminology for legal vs. full scale?  I've always battled whether Avid actually scales the video essence or just sets a flag depending on that choice.  I've assumed over the years that it might depend on the codec being exported and the eccentricities that dnx media flagged levels as opposed to other codecs.  I've always wanted to have some swiss army software that plays the video essence of a file directly out to my scope without any luts or embedded metadata influencing things.  BM Express supposedly does this but I've never been sure and the codecs it is compatible with have always seemed limited and usually not the files I'm trying to check.

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