Saturday, July 3, 2021

Re: [Avid-L2] Huge closed caption conform task - ugh!

Keep in mind that sometimes SCC tc is zero based (TC assuming file start is 00:00:00;00), sometimes it's relative to the actual TC of the video file.

For the job at hand, I would think some more automating would be in order.
First, I cannot find HULU specs for content. (I can for ads, but I 'think' that's different, and what I can find is too simple to be true.)

If the TC of the captions is relative to video TC, and video start TC is free, you only have to trim the video to omit the leader / trailer (no clue what 'textless' means.), while upping the start TC.
Otherwise, the new SCC offset / fixer tool will do the job. (And fast. I'm making a newer version today.)

If you have a huge library of files, and there is 'some' logic, I can automate the whole shebang.
For most parts  I've already made tools, but they might need some customising for this particular job.

- Captions is discussed
- If the audio levels need attention (probably), my LoudnessChange can take care of it.  *
- For removing leader / trailer, use 'Trimmer'  **

* LoudnessChange (in it's current form) is intended to do QC / alter levels /ut  create deliverables conform specs. It has become quite versatile, based on requests from a major audio post house over here.
But it can also output video in-betweens, (that I can customize / make it user customisable), or have it spit out corrections 'todo' to a database / csv.)

** Trimmer is intended to 'consolidate' MoCap video assist files. So it will trim / transcode. This will work for 'other' content as well of course.
Now it's based on a CSV / Excel (that is easy to generate), but it will be a breeze to add something  'remove X from start / Y from end'

What does not (yet) exists, but can be made is de-interlacing.
If your files are old, they might be interlaced, partly interlaced or progressive while in an interlaced container.
If you know all is interlaced, it's easy for me to de-interlace the whole shebang.
But, sometimes files are partly interlaced. (Doc style work for TV, shot progressive but have interlaced archive footage, either trough pulldown or source being interlaced shot.)

I could write something that scans the files and will de-interlace only the parts needed.

Same goes for content shot 24 / 23.976 and has pulldown.
If the entire show has pulldown, you definitly want to remove that instead of de-interlacing.

All in all, for projects of this magnitude it WILL pay off to have / hire a coder to automate stuff.

van Oldenbarneveltstraat 33
6512 AS  Nijmegen
+31 6 21817248
To send files, go here:

On 2 Jul 2021, at 16:54, Jay Mahavier via <> wrote:

Oooo, this will be a helpful tool.  I know that in the past we have had occasion where different delivery requirements had us redoing a lot of stuff because some places want program to start at 0 hour and some want it to start at hour 1; some want leaders, some to not; and so forth.

Thank you very much for making that tool.


On Jul 2, 2021, at 1:43 AM, bouke <> wrote:

A bit late at the party…
I can probably make something that does an offset on SCC (in batch)
(I have done it years ago, but that code is ancient and won't run on Catalina / Big Sur)

It's quite easy. The SCC has human readable TC's, while the layout / command / text data is in gibberish (you need a matrix to decode), and that has some form of checksum IIRC.
Send me a couple and I'll have a look.

Also, trimming X seconds from top / tail and convert to another codec is very easy to automate too.

van Oldenbarneveltstraat 33
6512 AS  Nijmegen
+31 6 21817248
To send files, go here:

On 1 Jul 2021, at 06:25, Jay Mahavier via <> wrote:

Well dang !!!  I had no idea.  I'm so use to using SubCap that I had no notion that you could directly import scc files.  I was able to lay them in agains picture, trim the tracks, and export it back out and it seems to work.  Now to send it off to Roku and see what they say.

Thank you very much for the word.


On Jun 30, 2021, at 6:01 AM, Bob via <> wrote:

Media Composer can import a .scc file and create a data track. The issue is it will only be SD, not very useful. Drastic Tech ccConvert can flip this to an AAF to be imported into Media Composer.

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