Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Re: [Avid-L2] ISIS Orphaned storage manager recovery help

Don't worry about the metadata on the expansion. Unless that was used as failover System Director, that metadata is not relevant.

Yes, it sounds like the ISIS has not been used for a while. Did anyone make a backup of the metadata before transporting it to you?

ISIS 4.7 will not mount metadata that is more than 14 days old. The fix to this is back revving the computer clock 13 days after the metadata date. This will load it. Stop the server which will force an update. Repeat until you have the correct time and date.

On Wed, Feb 10, 2021 at 11:04 PM Jay Mahavier via <> wrote:
And that's a no go for this system.  I get the warning that the Dump.bin file is too old to be safe to use and to contact support.  I mean the last one before today is form July 2019.  So it's pretty old.  I'm starting to think that they had this ISIS system sitting in a rack and had shut it down and moved entirely over to the NEXIS system.  [And also an EditShare, but that's going to be next weeks adventure].


On Feb 10, 2021, at 9:58 PM, Jay Mahavier via <> wrote:

Oooooo, hey, can I use one of the older PartitionDump.bin.###### files from before today and in the 

Avid ISIS System Directory Control Panel 

Cost eh Create Active File System From Import option and point it at a copy of that older Dump.bin file?  Would that work? I mean it's only 68,256 KB as compared to the Partition0 and Partition1 files that are both 1,392,655 KB.  But those files keep updating their time stamp as long as the System Director is running.


On Feb 10, 2021, at 9:46 PM, Jay Mahavier via <> wrote:

Well, the clocks were both still set for west coast.  I got them set to central now.  Only a 2 hour time difference.

As for the Partition0 and Partition1 files

On the expansion chassis they date from 2013.

On the primary they are current to like literally thin minute.  I'm guessing there isn't like a automatic back up of them somewhere.  Ugh.


On Feb 10, 2021, at 7:59 PM, Gowanus Canal <> wrote:

First, check the date and time of your server. The BIOS battery is probably dead and reverted to a noncurrent date & time. Check both chassis and reboot.

Second, check the folder: D:\Program Files\Avid\ISIS System Director\
There should be 2 files labeled "Partion0" and "Partion1". Check the modified time and date. It should be the day the ISIS was shut down from the facility.

On Wed, Feb 10, 2021 at 8:23 PM Jay Mahavier via <> wrote:
I would believe that these are the correct chassis and drives.  They just boxed all the gear up and shipped it 'as is' is my understanding.  But I can't be absolutely positive because I never saw the ISSI system in it's previous installation.  We also got a Nexis from them and it's working fine.


> On Feb 10, 2021, at 7:18 PM, Gowanus Canal <> wrote:
> I assume you have the original chassis running System Director? If not, the current System Director must have access the original Isis metadata by placing it in the proper location in the D drive.
>> On Feb 10, 2021, at 8:06 PM, Jay Mahavier via <> wrote:
>> The short version
>> I have received a ISIS 5000 that was previously deployed and managed by someone else.  I do not have contact with the former admin.  I have racked and cabled it up and what not.  When I go into the Management Console and go to the Storage Manager section both storage managers [primary and expansion] are showing as 'orphaned'.  I have found plenty of documentation on how to remove those orphaned storage managers but it will wipe all the data.  What I can't find is info on how to recover the orphaned storage managers and rebind them to the system and get them back online.  Maybe I'm looking in the wrong place?  Maybe it can't be done?  Not sure.  Looking for suggestions.
>> More BG.
>> The system is not under support contract.  They didn't renew it because they didn't have the funds as they were slowly going out of business.  So I can't call in for support.
>> I do have a ISIS 5500 of our own so I'm a bit familiar with ISIS, but I have not ever had to deal with this issue before.
>> Thank you for assistance and suggestions.
>> Jay

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