Monday, October 26, 2020

[Avid-L2] Extending Wifi Network or adding another Network?

I did a bit of research a while back about adding another base station to my home wifi for better coverage.  I have an Airport Extreme unit and I found I could add a second Airport Extreme with the same network ID etc...  Today a call to Melrose Mac and I found out Apple dropped the Airport line a year or two ago.  I suppose I could perhaps find a used one.

I was told to look at Aces or Netgear for extenders.  I did add a small Netgear base station a while back and it worked for a day but then the unit died.  Literally died not a setup issue.  I don't mind just adding a second network as this is just to cover a fringe area but it would be more elegant to have it be setup like the main network.  I've read that hand off between stations was problematic with two Airport Extremes so maybe a separate network is the easiest thing.  Any configuration/device suggestions welcome.

John Moore Barking Trout Productions Studio City, CA

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