Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Re: [Avid-L2] Artist Color Panel very degraded in Resolve 16 OS 10.13.6 vs. Resolve 15 OS 10.12.6?

Hey John,

I realize you have a lot invested in your existing Nvidia cards, but I suggest you consider another route, that would, unfortunately require you to abandon your existing cards.

I currently have one of the few Nvidia cards that supports Metal, so when I recently upgraded to High Sierra, I removed the Nvidia and CUDA drivers/software, to rely completely on native Metal acceleration.

I was very pleasantly surprised how my single Nvidia GeForce GTX 780 6GB card, running under metal acceleration and with no Nvidia or CUDA worked with both Resolve and Media Composer.  And this is only running with Metal "GPUFamily1 v3".  Newer cards support higher versions of Metal compatibility for more acceleration.

Caveats…I don't run 4K footage, and just mess around with it at home, mostly for training.  I looked up your existing Nvidia cards, and none of them support metal, unless your TitanX cards are actually XP cards.

If you could get your hands on a couple Metal compatible cards for a test, you might find the performance to be very respectable under Metal acceleration on Mac, and it would likely support all your existing software applications without issues.

Otherwise build a PC or Linux workstation that can fit all those excellent cards and run them all under CUDA/Nvidia drivers?  All the pro systems we use at the facility I work at are built running Linux.

Just knocking around ideas here…

Dave Hogan
Burbank, CA

On Sep 15, 2020, at 9:11 PM, John Moore <bigfish@pacbell.net> wrote:

I could check with MacVidCards but I don't think there enough juice in a macpro tower.  I had to get a 1500 watt PSU for the expansion chassis.  The Titans take 600 watts each.  The GTX-980 Ti IIRC is 300 watts and that's probably pushing things as it is.  I guess when pushed to hard the GPU would just throttle back if power was low.  I don't know if the Pixas mod would be necessary but something to look into for the 980 Ti.  Of course at some point reality needs to set in and it's time to upgrade the system or upgrade myself out of the industry.  Not sure which is more costly these days.  ;-)

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