Saturday, September 26, 2020

[Avid-L2] MC 2020.8/Legacy Components Question

I'm on a Mac, OS, Mojave 10.14.6, currently running MC 2019.12.2.

I experiencing some *really* weird things having to do with audio tracks in clips that were transcoded from ArriRAW to DNxHD 115, and sync'd with production audio. Foto Kem's nextLAB in Atlanta is handling this part of it all.

Simply put, the really weird trouble is that sometimes audio tracks in a given clip (multiple tracks from the shoot's Poly WAVs) will slip out of sync, often by as much as 65 to 100 frames. But only one or two audio tracks within a clip with upwards of eight total audio tracks. But then, I close the app, restart, and re-launch MC, and sometimes it self-corrects. But not always.

I mean, W - T - F?

So I want to try to update to MC 2020.8. But I want to stay in OS 10.14.6, and therefore need the Legacy Components, I believe (as I'm in the middle of a feature, and want access to these).

So… do I need to install MC 2020.8 first, and then install Legacy Components?

How does this work?

Many thanks?


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