I would ask for Dx Mx Ex and Narration (if any) as separate 5.1 stems.
Supposing you receive 6-track WAV files (meaning all 6 channels in a single WAV), you need to check with them the channel order. This can be SMPTE (LRCLfeLsRs) or ProTools (LCRLsRsLfe). After importing the files, select the clips, choose Clip-Modify-Set Multichannel Audio, and click the triangle next to A1 and choose 5.1 SMPTE (if the file you received is in that order) or 5.1 Pro Tools (if the file you received is in that order).
(If you are given monophonic WAVs (xyz.L.wav, xyz.R.wav, xyz.C.wav etc), I think MC can detect them as a 5.1 group when using import in the more recent versions. It definitely does recognize a 5.1 group when you AMA-link to them. But it's a bit harder to know the channel order in which MC imports them, so you'd have to be very careful not to mix up the channel order.)
Now, as soon as you have these 5.1 masterclips, you can treat these clips like you would any other clip. MC will even do a realtime mixdown to LoRo stereo when you monitor them, as long as your monitoring (in the audio mixer) is set to Stereo. You won't need to pan, nor will you have to edit with 18+ separate channels without messing them up.
On 12 Nov 2019, at 01:13, Jay Mahavier via Groups.Io <jay_mahavier=icloud.com@groups.io> wrote:I would ask for the 6 individual tracks.Import as 6 discrete tracks.Layout 1=L, 2=R, 3=C, 4=LFE, 5=Ls, 6=RsMake edits.Export new files as ProRes with direct out audio.Make DCP.(Actually I would try and get the cash for it to go back to the mix stage and get a new mix, but once that fails I would do the above)JayOn Nov 11, 2019, at 4:39 PM, Lou Wirth <loutv@mindspring.com> wrote:I have to cut down a doc I editing to a new time. It was done in 5.1 but that mix was done at an audio house and the layback done at the DCP house. Now I have to cut the time down so I have the sequence of course and getting the stems from the audio guy. What is the best way to lay out the audio tracks in the sequence. Is this just a simple import of the 6 tracks, lay them down in sync, make my edits and export with the 5.1 audio setting? Should I not mess with any panning of the tracks? Not sure if this is going to be difficult or relatively easy.ThanksLouLou Wirth Productions
3210 Kerner Boulevard
Suite 302
San Rafael, CA 94901
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