Marcus,LOL. Keep your 'moist' moments to yourself. :0
All machines worked and are maintained.
The danger I preach to everyone not in our Industry is this (and The Academy / AMPAS has written great white papers on this matter).
The garbage trucks today that have one driver and a robot arm to pick-up the trash replaced 5 guys I watched hitching a ride on the back of them and emptying garbage cans by hand into the truck. Both do the same job.
A 2-inch, 1-inch Type C, BetaCam SP, Digital Betacam, 3/4-inch U-Matic SP, etc, 35mm, 16mm, 8mm, 70mm, all play only their own formats. A recent lost episode of "The Honeymooners" was found in a deceased producer's garage by his grand kids.
While the Library of Congress tries to buy every machine and the studios try to house (2) brand new units of EVERY format, I think our governments worldwide owe it to our cultural history to ensure that engineering blueprints, codes, and parts are maintained so that all of this is accessible at all times in the future. Not everyone can afford the $1-5million per title to migrate every title and raw footage every 5 years like the studios try to do.
Then there are the "mods." I hate them. Recently NBC brought me a Digital Betacam tape. It seems Sony made a limited-run box that took the machine's 4-channel audio and made it 8-channels. Then producers had tapes made with the extra channels. Ditto 1-inch machines with special High Quality TBCs and optional, rare Dolby or PCM digital cards. We should learn a lesson from this and make the manufacturers not do this. Yes, it raises the price of some pro machines, but we will all be better for it in the future. D5 with external 2K boxes will be another problem in just a few years.
Take a look at these modified 1-inch machines. Sony made a rare 3-hour load with raised motors so that HBO (and the studios could prep) a longer movie without switching reels. Third party companies like "Merlin" sold their own mods with raised motors to take a larger reel of tape. Today, those companies are gone. Now what to do with the 3-hour reels that walked into my door.
Attached: AMPAS' excellently written THE DIGITAL DILEMMA (this is Part 1 – You can download Part 2 and 3 at the Academy's Sci-Tech web site).
On Sunday, July 24, 2016 7:49 PM, "Marcus [Avid-L2]" <> wrote:
On 25/07/2016 02:19, [Avid-L2] wrote:
> The pics in my last post didn't seem to go through –
> ... attempt #2, the dining and living room:
> Move to a bigger apartment will facilitate 4 more racks at the end;
> can't wait. ;)
I think I just nerdgasmed and ejected my tape :-O :-)
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