Turns out I had set the time code base to 59.94 and that must have caused Avid to view the clips at DNX440X. As far as levels setting the color space back to video and not using the soft clip LUT at 64 to 940 I get full range on the Avid media files. I assume when set to DATA color space it's making full range files 0 to 1023 but I had the soft clip LUT set to 64 to 940 scaling. Seems like there is an under the hood conversion/scaling of video levels happening when going to DNX media that interacts with the color space setting. If anyone has more experience and knowledge that would be welcomed by a Resolve Rookie.
---In Avid-L2@yahoogroups.com, <bigfish@...> wrote :
So I set the Resolve monitor to get DATA not Video levels and it tracked properly on my external scope to the Resolve internal scopes. Now when I look at the resulting files the levels are like importing at RGB levels but with 709 level media, blacks are high and whites are low. I'm not sure why the avid media is DNX 440X either. My first test was 1090P 29.97 and that came out as DNX 220X. Then I decided to see what a 1080i export would be like from these seemingly progressive files. Both times with and without LUT I end up with DNX 440X media. I double checked and the selection in the delivery settings only list 220X as the highest value. Where does the DNX 440X baked media get it's orders from. Am I missing a setup option. Why does 1080P behave target media wise but 1080i doesn't?
Now I'm no Resolve person but I sure figured that if I see the same values on the internal scopes and my external scope things were playing nice. First I found that 0 to 1023 on Resolve scopes was showing as 0 to 700 mV on my Tek scope. Changing the monitoring settings to DATA and not Video levels got the Tek Scope reading the over and undershoots like I would expect for levels below 64 and above 940. Now I cook the files and it's like the Resolve scaled the values up to video levels like I was seeing when my video monitor setting were video levels. Is Resolve sneaking behind my back trying to protect me from sending out illegal levels by scaling 0-1023 to 64-940? I put on my custon LUT to do that inside the Resolve so I thought the true data levels on the Avid media would be correct in Avid 709 world. I'm enjoying the challenge but I've about had as much enjoyment as I can stand. If this were linear I'd already be done.
John Moore
Barking Trout Productions
Studio City, CA
Barking Trout Productions
Studio City, CA
Posted by: bigfish@pacbell.net
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