Sunday, February 2, 2014

Re: [Avid-L2] transcoding problem


I'm seeing the same green screen problem with students bringing in 5D H264 footage. I figured it was Avid attempting to preview too many AMA clips at once (the default AMA setting is to auto-mount a volume when seen - deathly IMHO). I've suggested doing a preview and sort in QT Player then AMAing, subclipping and transcoding selects. This on i5 iMacs.
With Best Wishes,
Roger Shufflebottom
+44 7973 543 660

From: Steve Hullfish <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Saturday, 1 February 2014, 20:06
Subject: [Avid-L2] transcoding problem

I'm in a new project with a clean, new user setting on a MacBookPro running Symphony option of 7.03.

I successfully AMA'd and then transcoded many files from a 5DMII and SOME files from a 5DMIII, but there are some longer files from the 5DMIII that will NOT transcode. MC crashes every time. As it was, I had to transcode all of the 5DMII files that WOULD work one at a time, actually turning MC OFF between each transcoded file! Brutal.

Anyway, on the same exact system with the same media, I opened Premiere CC, imported the problem files and then exported them using DNxHD 115 (same settings I was trying to transcode with in MC) and it worked perfectly. How can Premiere deal with DNxHD better than Avid?

Any idea what the issue might have been? I've never had this problem before. With many of the 5DMIII files, when they were still AMA, when I played through them, the source monitor would go completely green (corrupt media) and then the system would lock up. I'd relaunch, go back to the same clip and it would be fine. If I subclipped it and transcoded that ONE clip and then closed MC and then did the same thing to a new clip, it would be fine. But... one clip transcoded at a time. This with a NEW user and a bin with only a few clips in it.


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