Friday, November 8, 2013

Re: [Avid-L2] Ideas for a composition


Thanks Mike for saying this in a much kinder fashion than
what I was thinking (and self-censored from posting).

I'll end by saying:

Have a great weekend everyone!



On Nov 8, 2013, at 2:15 PM, wrote:


I hang on the sidelines of the L most of the time, picking up tips by reading.

If I post a question, first of all I am always conscious that those who answer are giving me their time and expertise, so my tone should be grateful, not scolding.  And I want honest answers; otherwise why post a question?  The fact that I'm doing so means that I don't already know the best way.

Honestly, Dario, the question "how to do this in MC" is overly simplistic, because you don't give those who might be able to help any context... like, "my plan is to execute this doing stop-frame animation, but I don't know how to efficiently cut single frames together," or "I'd like to set up keyframes that emulate 3D using Avid FX," or really anything to go on.

So you're getting answers from experts, based on what little you gave them, and the gist is that this isn't a good tool to use.  Why not say "thank you for the information" and move on, having saved yourself a lot of wasted energy?  You seemed only to read part of Steve's answer... he also said that MC isn't a good choice for this.

It bothers me when posters start complaining when they learn something.


---In, <Ben@...> wrote:

I think we are witnessing an ID-ten-T situation, coupled with a warmware failure.
I think it's time for a complete shutdown (and no reboot).



On Nov 8, 2013, at 11:55 AM, Dario Caamaño <dario.caamano@...> wrote:


you keep insisting. If you never do something like that on MC never, ok, keep aside.
See ya.

On Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 4:50 PM, <> wrote:

If You said "I have a screwdriver and I'd like some advice on how to best nail a bed frame together with it@ would you prefer we tell you to hold the end of the metal portion and to try to bash the nail with the handle or to be told its easier with a hammer ?

On 9 Nov, 2013, at 1:53 am, Dario Caamaño <dario.caamano@...> wrote:


If a few answers later when I post it, I say that I KNOW there are a lot of tools to do this, better tools for THIS job, why you insist?
I wanted to know if someone know how to do this in MC. Just That. The post was not WHICH IS THE BEST TOOL for this. 

If someone try something like this before, great, welcome the info. If not, ok. So simple.

thanks steve for understand what I mean.

On Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 3:46 PM, <> wrote:

Great sincerity :)

It wasn't mean or least no meaner than Bob Z saying 'boohoo hard drives die should have backed up'.

It was real works excellent advice. This guy isn't listening when he's told wrong tool. He will spend an eternity trying to get this done and it will still look rubbish. A few stern words now will save time, effort and crushing disappointment. 

On 9 Nov, 2013, at 1:42 am, Steve Hullfish <steve4lists@...> wrote:


Despite the thread here, I kind of agree about the original "you bought the wrong tool" comment being mean-spirited and off-base.

In reality, he didn't buy the wrong tool - which would make him a fool - instead, he bought the RIGHT tool for MOST of his work (which was his point) but that he can't really force the Avid to do THIS particular task. The right tool for the right job. But as we all know, we all need a LOT of tools, so Media Composer was the right choice as PART of the toolkit. Even Avid recognizes that we're all cutting and compositing and using MANY tools to get the job done.


On Nov 8, 2013, at 11:14 AM, jeffsengpiehl@... wrote:


 We don't "do" humility here

---In, <dario.caamano@...> wrote:

I'm sorry but how can be so sure to afirm that I pay a lot of money for the wrong tool, tell me in other words that i`m pretty much stupid to waste money.?
Do you know what I do for living? do you have any idea?....

The fact that I want to do some composition with a tool doesnt mean I buy this tool just for that. 

please ask before you say things like you have all the knowledge and answers. have a little humility.

On Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 1:02 PM, Benjamin Hershleder <Ben@...> wrote:

Winning answer is below:

On Nov 8, 2013, at 5:39 AM, namyrb <namyrb@...> wrote:


I know that this isn't what you want to hear, but if this is the kind of stuff that you're going for then 
you absolutely paid a lot of money for the wrong tool.  
If you don't have any more money, then take a look at blender:

I guarantee you that it would look better than anything you could make in symphony... and it's free.  

On Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 4:01 AM, Dario Caamaño <dario.caamano@...> wrote:

Hey thanks. I know there are a lot of other software to do this. But the thing is that I pay for my mc with symphony and i dont have 2000 dollars to buy another. For that i want to do this composition or an approach in mc. Thats the help i need. Without ironies or sarcans.

On Nov 8, 2013 3:34 AM, <djf0057@...> wrote:

You guys could replicate this really easily on Smoke on Mac. You would just generate a bump map inside smac and then apply it to a flat plate and subdivide. Then project the texture you want onto the animated geometry. And if you didn't wanna go that approach you could always bring in a default box geometry and create some instances, then texture the cube, light it, export it. Oh yeah, I forgot to add that smac is a pretty decent NLE,

Here is a simple tutorial on the basics of bump mapping in smoke.

John Fegan

---In, <dario.caamano@...> wrote:

Oh great! The idea is how i can  work this for tv without leaving MC. Tomorrow ill try with bcc and avid fx to emulate it. Thx Darío

On Nov 7, 2013 10:43 PM, "Benjamin Hershleder" <Ben@...> wrote:

Here's a link to the pic:
Jeff used EyeOn Fusion ( 
It's not in Media Composer by default.
It's a 3rd party application, currently on special for ~$1250
(though there's no info on pricing on their web site that I could easily find).
They might want to make that type of info easily accessible.


On Nov 7, 2013, at 4:58 PM, Dario Caamaño <dario.caamano@...> wrote:


Yeah me too!

On Nov 7, 2013 9:10 PM, "Benjamin Hershleder" <Ben@...> wrote:

Hi Jeff,
Your image did not come through on my end.
Can you email it to me directly?
I'm curious to see what you whipped-up;
and because you mentioned a 3D node, what were your tools/effects/apps?

On Nov 7, 2013, at 4:01 PM, Jeff Krebs <rockinjeff@...> wrote:

I hack together in about 5 minutes a version using the image from Media
Composer and displacing into 3d space.
Then I used a replicate 3d node to  apply a cube to the shape of the hand.
Not perfect but the overall effect is beginning to take shape.
color can be applied as well

[image: Inline image 1]

On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 4:24 PM, Benjamin Hershleder <Ben@...>wrote:

Can I build a house with this axe?
End of the day: use the best tool for the job.

If you want to try and do this in MC, then play with AvidFx and Marquee.

Good luck.


On Nov 7, 2013, at 1:00 PM, Dario Caamaño <dario.caamano@...> wrote:

Yes it could be done in 3dmax or cinema4d, the goal is do this in media

On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 5:53 PM, Dom Q. Silverio <domqsilverio@...>wrote:

Yeah, a NLE is probably the wrong tool for this.

Dom Q. Silverio

On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 3:48 PM, Benjamin Hershleder <Ben@...>wrote:

Photoshop + After Effects


On Nov 7, 2013, at 12:44 PM, <dario.caamano@...> wrote:

Hi. I would like to know if someone have an idea to do something like
this in avid.

I want to emulate something like this all inside media composer. I have
a media composer 7 with symphony option. (bcc8 too)

Dario Caamaño
Editor / Colorista

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