Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Re: [Avid-L2] Avid Seg AAF'd to Resolve for transcoding then .mov export skips frames?


Ah. I have a list of things that Production thought would be great ideas that would quickly become nightmares for post. I'm sorry that happened to you.


On Jul 30, 2013, at 1:01 PM, johnrobmoore wrote:

> I had mentioned this in one of my earlier threads which has more of the detail but here's the cliff note version. The DIT talked production into doing the offline media in real time using Pix-240 recorders on all the cameras recording the video tap feed to DNX 45. In theory this works but there is a processing delay on the Red Epic Video tap and apparently the embedded time code on the video tap is approx. 2 frames off, this is the feed back I got on Red User.com. Now there is the ability to adjust the time code offset on the Pix-240 recorders to dial this in so it is frame accurate. In order for that to work the DIT needs to do tests, I'd suggest for each camera individually, and come up with the proper time code offset to match the time code on the Red Raw files.
> Most of the comments I got on Red User said they didn't really like to go this route for just this reason. So the DIT sold production a bill of goods on a workflow that had not be properly tested and guess who gets to deal with it. Here's a clue, not the Bone Head DIT. I don't see why doing the usual transcode after the show was such a burden and I find it hard to believe renting 6 Pix-240s was cheaper than one guy doing the transcodes later but I am not on the field side.
> Now one might think the DIT, at least that's who I assume suggested the Pix-240s, would have thoroughly researched this workflow and RTFM but I guess that is difficult to do, especially the RTFM part when your head is up your Arse. Now I mean no disrespect to all the hard working knowledgeable DITs that do a competent job but in this case I feel we were not blessed with one of those in production.
> --- In Avid-L2@yahoogroups.com, Jay Mahavier <jay_mahavier@...> wrote:
>> Why was there a 2 frame discrepancy between the offline media and the Red TC? How does that happen?
>> Jay
>> On Jul 30, 2013, at 12:30 AM, johnrobmoore wrote:
>>> Well in today's episode of "As The Avid Round Trip Turns" I find myself remaking the original aaf from the offline sequence and there are no skipped frames from that. I also imported the problem aaf back into Avid just to see if I could see the skipped frames and the sequence was fine. I then re-exported a new aaf from the imported aaf and that too has no skips in Resolve. Something must have been whacked when the original aaf was made.
>>> The only oddity I know of is that because there was a 2 frame discrepancy in the offline media from the actual Red Raw time code the AE had to fool the Avid by modifying the time code of the clips in Avid by the 2 or so frames to slip everything into picture sync when relinking the sequence to the time code modified clips. Perhaps something in that food chain contributed to the skipping frames but given the frame skip is only one frame I don't think that is it.
>>> One other factor is that I noticed the automatic motion adapters because Avid saw the sources as progressive in an interlace timeline. Refreshing the sequence motion adapters cleared the green dots but I don't know what state that was in when the problematic aaf was exported.
>>> At least the good news is if I do everything the way it should be done the aaf works so at least future projects will benefit.
>>> --- In Avid-L2@yahoogroups.com, "johnrobmoore" <bigfish@> wrote:
>>>> I just tried a new project setting the "Handle Mixed Frame Rate" checked. I couldn't change that setting in the original project even after deleting everything in the media pool. I thought deleting the media pool would allow me to set the Handle Mixed Frame Rate but just like "Use DropFrame" I had to delete the media pool and any imported sequences to change those setting. Unfortunately I still get the skipped frames in exactly the same spots.
>>>> --- In Avid-L2@yahoogroups.com, Greg Huson <Greg@> wrote:
>>>>> I remember seeing that in Resolve with... something. Can't remember what or how I solved it, so my memory's as useful to you as it is to me. Are you selecting "handle mixed frame rates' before loading any footage and the aaf? I wanna say I was having the same problem, but using XML, and that fixed it, but I could be forgetting some other detail- that was during v8 which seems ancient history now.
>>>>> 'Handle mixed frame rates' does solve a lot of problems.
>>>>> GH
>>>>> ----------------------------
>>>>> Greg Huson
>>>>> Chief, Secret Headquarters, Inc
>>>>> 323 677 2092
>>>>> SecretHQ.com
>>>>> DigitalServiceStation.com
>>>>> On Jul 28, 2013, at 0:33, "johnrobmoore" <bigfish@> wrote:
>>>>>> I just wanted to update everyone on something I've discovered about our skipping
>>>>>> frames with an aaf import from Avid to Resolve 9.1.5. It seems it's not a skip
>>>>>> every so often but a skip in every shot somewhere in the middle when we import
>>>>>> an aaf. I tried the same sequence using an edl and we do not get the skipped
>>>>>> frames. I would now speculate this might have to do with the aaf being
>>>>>> interpreted as if the outpoint of the source time code is inclusive when in fact
>>>>>> it is exclusive. I seem to recall a setting related to edls being interpreted
>>>>>> as inclusive or exclusive but I can't seem to find it again in Resolve. Am I
>>>>>> misremembering this setting? Perhaps I am confusing the inclusive vs. exclusive
>>>>>> setting with Red Cine X Pro.
>>>>>> --- In Avid-L2@yahoogroups.com, John Moore <bigfish@> wrote:
>>>>>>> This one hour show was offlined in Avid using downconverts from multiple Red Epics. The finished offline sequence was decomposed in avid and then stringouts of the reels were made into timelines to facilitate exporting aafs of the string outs linked to the origial R3D files. This was done to transcode the need footage to DNX 220. Apparently the AE could not get his Avid 6.x to do the transcodes from ama linked R3D files. My similar system does but his doesn't. So the transcodes were done in Resolve. I'm not sure if those transcodes were then linked back up in Avid and a new aaf of the timeline was sent to Resolve for color correction but that is my guess at this point. The problem we are seeing now is that the .mov in ProresHQ exported from Resolve of the final show is skipping frames ever minute or so. These are a complete skipped frames that I have confirmed are not skipped on the original R3D files. My gut feels like something is
>>>>>>> going on between 29.97 and true 30. The footage was shot 29.97P but I'm wondering if in one of the myriad of transcodes there could have been some link in the chain that was trying to in essence frame rate convert and thereby caused the skipping frame every so often. I stepped through field by field or Psf by Psf to be more accurate and it's definately skipping over a complete frame. Nothing like a frame being doubled up it's a missing frame that exists in the original. Anybody seen this type of behavior? I was not involved in the workflow so I'm trying to back engineer something that hasn't really been engineered from the start. TIA
>>>>>>> John Moore
>>>>>>> Barking Trout Productions
>>>>>>> Studio City, CA
>>>>>>> bigfish@
>>>>>>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>>>>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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