Monday, August 20, 2012

[Avid-L2] Another bug in Title Tool


If you add a soft drop and then change the size of the font or even just the kerning, the drop shadow and the text separate from each other...

You have to try it to understand what I'm talking about.

Usually, if you create a text box and type one line of text, then resize it, the text jumps to s second line of text, which is fine, you resize the text box and the single line becomes a single line again.

But with a soft drop, the soft drop will STAY as a single line and you have to drag the text box out wide enough for the shadow PLUS the length of the body text before it becomes a single line... Normally, you'd just have to drag the text box wide enough for the line to become a single line again. But with a drop shadow, you basically have to DOUBLE the size of the text box when you resize.

Steve Hullfish
author: "The Art and Technique of Digital Color Correction"
co-author: "Color Correction for Video: revised edition," "Avid Xpress Pro Editing Workshop" and "Avid XpressDV On the Spot"
presenter: Class On Demand's "Complete Training for Avid Media Composer" AND "Complete Training for Apple Color"

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