Friday, February 10, 2012

[Avid-L2] Actual duration in a 23.98 Project?


To figure out the actual running time in a 23.98 project the technique I've heard used is to take the master sequence code and switch it to 30DF.  Then the segment that starts at 1;00;00;00 will have an actual duration of the ending time code.  This makes sense but when looking at the timeline for an entire show that ends at 1:44:50:00 in 24 frame code then the end frame jumps to 1;44;52;13 ish when viewed in 30 DF mode.  I get why that happens just like the drop vs non drop difference in 30 frame code happens.  The curiosity is that the "Center Duration" calculation still shows a duration of 44:50 after marking and in and out.  Does the center duration always calculate based on the 24 frame master code of the sequence regardless of whether you toggle the sequence timecode to 30DF?  I'm thinking that it does, at least that's what we are seeing.  Can anyone confirm or deny?

John Moore

Barking Trout Productions

Studio City, CA

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