Saturday, January 7, 2012

[Avid-L2] Re: Media Archiving. LTO?


This is a really interesting area currently

LTFS is relatively new and is a method of allowing an LTO-5 drive and it's
tape to appear as a drive on the host system and via that on a network.

However this is quite different from sing the LTO as a backup up restore

One of the big attractions to using data backup techniques for managing post
files is it's a very established technology and industry and adopting it
buys into that. So it's as safe a bet as you can make on continued support
and access to your data in decades to come. However that didn't really suit
the needs of the post industry and the LTFS method has been developed to use
the LTO-5 tape and drive more like a sort of VTR come hard drive.

But will that still be carried forward and supported over the next 10, 20 or
30 years as the more traditional backup restore process are likely to be?

So my view is there are two different uses for an LTO-5 setup. One being
LTFS and something like a Cache-A for near line storage of media allowing
reasonably fast and easy access to content. And also a more robust
traditional software based backup solution for longer term backup.

But a lots happening in this areas so who knows what this year will see.

Pat Horridge
Technical Director, Trainer, Avid Certified Instructor
Production Editing Digital Media Design DVD
T +44 (0)20 7505 4701 | F +44 (0)20 7505 4800 | E <> | | Lux Building 2-4 Hoxton Square London N1 6US

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