Friday, June 24, 2011

[Avid-L2] Re: Original AMA bins lose added tape name when opened from a different project?


Thanks for the info. It turns out roughly 40% of the shots had to be manually cut back in. I guess what the AE did was drag the original AMA bins and those seemed to still have reel numbers but he says he's not sure if that behavior is consistant. So without a tape number there is no way to relink. That is truely F'd up it would seem the only really solid way is to ama and transcode to high res and then transcode from that to a lower res for offline. Nobody asked me for any suggestions and now it's going to be a lot of manual labor to online. Are you sure we can't just auto duck to FCPX and have everything just work? Really looking forward to the Color Board, NOT. ;-)

--- In, Andi Meek <kwikpasta@...> wrote:
> John, as soon as you close the original AMA bin, it will lose any tape number you give it. You just have to add it again when you relink. As far as we can tell, Avid's looking for the TC and a tape number so if your shoot goes past midnight but you give the clips the same tape name and the timecodes clash or jump backwards then i can see why this would be a problem. Giving the post-midnight clips a different tape name might solve this but obviously requires a little organisation on the AEs part. For clips that span, i reckon it's manual. We find the relinking works really well as long as the bins are open and the clips all have the same tape names. Adding the tape name to the bin name will help you locate the correct material for the relink. I'm still a bit confused because i got told that the Avid is looking for the UMID and the timecode, but obviously this is not the case as clips won't relink without a tape number?
> Andi
> To:
> From: bigfish@...
> Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2011 11:25:31 -0700
> Subject: [Avid-L2] Original AMA bins lose added tape name when opened from a different project?
> On a Sony EX project they ama'd to the original media and transcoded to 10:1 for offline. They added tape names to the original ama bin. Now when they open the original bins from the online project the tape names disappear. The solution was to copy the original bins into the actual online project then the tape names don't disappear. There were a few quirks to the relink which I think is typical. The AE indicated to me that source clips that ran thru midnight gave problems with relinking. Curious what others experiences are and how they relate to our situation. Ultimately they had to manually cut in some shots. Sounds par for the course from what I've read here. I did suggest that maybe this project would be ideal for FCPX but the response was less than I expected. ;-(
> John Moore
> Barking Trout Productions
> Studio City, CA
> bigfish@...
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