Monday, November 22, 2010

[Avid-L2] Backlight Monitor Adjustment


We are trying to get comfortable with some new Panasonic LH2550 monitors we are using as CRT replacements in some of our suites.
They are pretty good. But one item that has me perplexed is how to properly set the backlight adjustment. This seems like a rather subjective parameter. All the others like chroma, brightness and color bias can be reasonably set to objective standards using test patterns or instruments. 
The monitor does seem rather faithful when running on factory defaults. Maybe a little heavy on saturation. Slight green push. No big whoop.
THE BIG EXCEPTION is being exceptionally "bright" when compared to properly adjusted CRTS like our trusty re-tubed Sony L5s. The backlight seems over driven in preset when compared to other displays we have around like a Panny 1700,  JVC D24 and G11 Plasma. Super hot whites when evaluated subjectively by a trained eye.
So, what is the proper level to dial in backlight to control this perceived brightness? I say perceived because pluge seems correct. Is there a way to calibrate or adjust this to allow confidence for color grading? I'm afraid we are going to artificially dimming our whites or brights. 
How are those on the list using 2550s? Setting them up, calibrating them, adjusting them, etc? Any notes to share?
We are not trying to get them to match our CRTS. Think that is foolish and not the proper way to use them. We just want to know that what we are doing on the 2550s is correct for HD and SD deliverables that will be viewed on modern display devices (LCD, Plasma, etc). Think that used to be called TV.
Chris MagidRTVF

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