Thursday, February 18, 2010

[Avid-L2] Re: Is there an elegant way to locate a pan and zoom still?

Well there is a quick and dirty engineering solution to this problem.
Create a new bin. Sub sequence the sections with the pan and zoom effects inside into a new mini sequence. Save the bin.
Outside MC open notepad (or any text editor) and open the bin you created. The path and the name of the file used in the effect(s) will be listed in the middle of all the normal rubbish. It should look something like "kAvxPluginAttributes  C:\Users\Pat\Pictures\F800\Bike strip\IMG_5829.jpg "
Normally eaists to search for the .jpg or .tif or what ever extension.

--- In, "johnrobmoore" <bigfish@...> wrote:
> Okay finally got a chance to try the summary source report and with no slug underneath the Pan and Zoom the summary shows no imported sources. To get back to my original request the pan and zoom effect definately knows to ask for the still by name when it is offline to the effect. How do I access that info when the still is still online so I can find out the source for the pan and zoom effect. Seems like the metadata is in the effect so why not let me see it? This is a bug/shortcoming of the Pan and Zoom effect, one of many unfortunately.
> --- In, "johnrobmoore" <bigfish@> wrote:
> >
> > Don't get me started. I don't know what ticks me off more. The missing slug video or the slug behind the keyboard.
> >
> > --- In, "Terence Curren" <tcurren@> wrote:
> > >
> > > You are correct. It only works with actual imported stills. The other way that offline editors screw you is they import a still, then change their mind and link Pan and Zoom to a different still without reimporting that still.
> > >
> > > --- In, "kenton.vannatten" <kenton.vannatten@> wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > <<Wouldn't this only work if the still had been imported as a slug? If you're stuck with a P&Z image that is just sitting on Filler, then I don't think the Source Summary would show you anything. >>
> > >
> >


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