Sunday, October 4, 2009

Re: [Avid-L2] please expand - circle takes

Hi, John,

What I was trying to get at it is... As you know, back in the olden' days, when takes were printed on film, you would only get the "circle takes", that is, the takes the director said to print. Maybe he did nine takes of the scene but told the script supervisor to only print one and eight. For a while, this was done when NLE's came around, too. You'd only transfer select takes.

Now the director will still indicate his/her preferred takes but everything is transferred. And you get every last frame exposed on the show into the editing room. So on a decent-sized feature this can be a ton of material. In the context of this little sidelight conversation in which I was saying that it would soon happen to where you might shoot on film but then transfer to a full 2K resolution and edit the movie in that format, you would have to have a whole lot of processing power and storage to be able to accommodate the sheer scope of that much data. You can't cull out NG takes because a lot of the time there's some needed bit in even the NGs. So it's not realistic to expect to need anything other than everything -- which, to get back to my point -- is (right now) too onerous a burden on any system in which you would want to cut a feature in a full 2K resolution.

Because as you say, other elements also come to bear, such as shows with large amounts of VFX.

Technologically, we're not yet at the point in which we can "offline" a 35mm feature film in a 2K environment (becoming a sort of de facto online). But I suspect we soon will be.

David Dodson
818-523-0905 mobile

From: John Hollands <>
Sent: Monday, October 5, 2009 4:17:08 AM
Subject: [Avid-L2] please expand - circle takes

Posted by: "David Dodson"
> I'm doing almost exclusively theatrical feature work now...
> ...this will require that I have ALL dailies in a theatrically
> acceptable 2K format. Because you can't edit a movie with only circle
> takes. Not anymore. At least I can't.

Could you take a minute and explain more about "can't edit a movie with
only circle takes".

I'm guessing you mean that other elements assume a greater part of the
movie (Fx etc) but could it be that you are going back to takes
originally marked as "NG".

Yesteryear we always at least told the Director we were printing up from
NG reel.

Elucidate David, and elucidate now!


PS NG = "no good" or not Print takes.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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