Monday, September 21, 2009

Paul, Take the replacement. If this isn't a battery issue and they can't fix it after 3 attempts, then you have a lemon. The new machine is more powerful and

Re: OT Apple to replace my 2Ghz MacBook, yes?
If you have Firewire 800, you will not miss the ExpressCard slot much. I tested DVCProHD material on my 2.16ghz 17" MacBook with USB, FW800 and eSata disks.

Re: OT Apple to replace my 2Ghz MacBook, yes?
Or ask for a credit toward a 17". You may have some issues rolling back to the older OS and Avid app. At some point, it is impossible to go back. The bigger

Re: What a stupid idea.
Yea, they have a spare and a near-line back up of the data. I got them back up and running easily enough. I'm not crying about the drive failing. It

Re: OT Apple to replace my 2Ghz MacBook, yes?
17" kicks ass with Avid, Photoshop, After Effects, etc.. Plus you can get a matte screen if you want. Matte screen also = no black bevel (at least on the one I

Re: OT: Volunteer just a few minutes at your computer
I know tagging is illegal in LA. I bet they'd be really mad at the Smithsonian.

Re: OT Apple to replace my 2Ghz MacBook, yes?
Check the Apple forums - this is a widespread issue - it happened to me on my 2 yr old MacBook Pro. I wasn told it was because I wasn't conditioning the

Audio dynamic range
This may be a protools question, but, it could also be a compressor question: I have a short film where the director has asked me to reduce the dynamic range

Re: What a stupid idea.
Don't lie Jay. Nothing involving a phone and Avid took 20 minutes in the past.  Rick Emery ________________________________ From: Jay

Re: Audio dynamic range
Sample rate determines the frequency range; bit depth determines the dynamic range (8 bit, 16bit, 32bit, etc) So lowering the bit depth should lower the

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