Tuesday, January 21, 2020

[Avid-L2] How do different New Blue Effects end up linked after promoting Avid Title Tool Effect to New Blue?

I'm having big issues using the New Blue Titler Pro 7.  I took an avid title tool credit sequence which was very simple cards and promoted them to New Blue.  I experienced the usual formatting issues and was able to correct things.

The problem I'm having that is critical is somehow changing one card in the credits changes other cards in the sequence.  I confirmed if I take one card and duplicate it at the end of the sequence and make a change to the end new blue effect it changes the other new blue effect that I had cut and pasted from.  I can see this might be a feature that would allow for changing a person's ID lower third once and have it change through out the sequence but in my case I want all cards to be individual and unique.  Given all the new blue effects were promotions of Avid Title Tool I would think that that process would create unlinked unique effects for each card but that is not what I'm experiencing.

Also it keeps asking me to save the project in the documents folder before I can save to the timeline.  It also prompts initially do I want to save the title individually or together.  Then it keeps prompting me on later saves that I will be replacing the nbtitle project, or some such message.  Does this have anything to do with how various new blue effects appear to be linked.

I'm very novice in  New Blue but the inability to save a title and have it stick is catastrophic.  Any help would be appreciated as I'm sure I'm just not understanding the workflow of New Blue.

John Moore Barking Trout Productions Studio City, CA bigfish@pacbell.net

John Moore Barking Trout Productions Studio City, CA bigfish@pacbell.net

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