Sunday, October 6, 2024

For guidance

Hello. My name is Alexander. I live in Ukraine.
I wanted to offer you my services for website promotion.
Are you interested in website promotion?

My WhatsApp / Telegram: +380973510878
My Skype: mayboroda_aleks

Benefits in working with me:
1. Increase the conversion of your site by 2-3 times or more.
2. Increase in target audience by 2-3 times and higher.
3. Since I work on my own, and not in a company, my cost is much lower than what companies charge.
4. Payment upon the work, did the work - paid.
5. You will have more time and energy left, as I undertake all the work of attracting clients.
6. The growth of the site's position on targeted requests in the first month of operation
7. Reports on each step of the work and assistance on issues of website promotion and optimization.

What is included in the service:
1. Compilation of the semantic core (list of keywords on the subject of the site).
2. Analysis of the site for errors and their correction and optimization for key phrases.
3. Search and purchase of high-quality links to your site directly from site owners who do not sell links to exchanges to everyone, which will make it possible to get the maximum link weight and not risk being sanctioned for bad links purchased through exchanges and aggregators.

Promotion cost:
47euro / Month for work + 94euro / Month cost of 50-70 links to your site = 140euro / Month total cost of promotion.
But so that you do not take risks, I do not take payment in advance, so we can divide 140euro into 3 work steps (which are written above) 47euro = 1 step, only 3 work steps. From the second month, payment will be immediately 140euro per month.

Promotion terms:
The effect in the form of rising positions will be visible throughout the month.
Terms of site promotion in the top 3 for all requests = 5-7 months.
Further, when the site will be in the top 3, it is no longer necessary to promote it, since the position is maintained thanks to behavioral factors and regular transitions from the search to the site upon request.
Once a year, you can do position analytics, and if some drops were noticeable, you can restore promotion and optimization for a month to correct problems and return positions to the top 3.

Detailed promotion plan:
1 step. I compose a complete semantic core of queries.
A list of requests for which you can and should promote your site in search. And by which people can find your site by driving these requests into the search bar Google or Yandex.

2 step. I will analyze the site for technical errors.
This will allow you to identify errors on the site that may interfere with the promotion. Errors can be contained in the code of the site or page, errors in the script, broken, broken links (when your site links to another site or page that does not exist).
External links that are not open from indexing to other people's sites, improper linking or lack thereof, improperly distributed site weights, when a page is unnecessary for promotion, receives the most weight, and the pages you need receive very little weight from the entire site.

3 step. I do a search and purchase of quality links to your site.
When the site is fully optimized, it has the right content, with the optimal volume, the required entries, then it is advisable to start the external promotion of the site - the purchase of high-quality links to the site.
I will begin a step-by-step and gradual purchase of rental links to your site with the necessary anchors taken from the semantic core of requests.
This will allow you to raise your site to the top 3 according to your needs, increase traffic and convert your visitor into a permanent customer of your goods and services.

4 step. Continuous technical support and reporting.
This allows you to ask your question on Skype at any time, as well as see what I have done for a specific period, for example, day, week, month.
I provide reports on what and where links to your site were purchased, what are the errors on the site that need to be fixed, see the real growth of the site's position and much more.

My WhatsApp / Telegram: +380973510878
My Skype: mayboroda_aleks

Best regards, Alexander, SEO specialist in the field of website promotion.

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