Monday, September 23, 2024

Re: [Avid-L2] 5.1 Fold Down to Stereo Math Quiz for today?

BUT, go back to the sound mixer and tell him you don't like his mix.
6 dB is A LOT, it might also be a mistake instead of a choice.

Bouke / edit 'B
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+31 6 21817248
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On 23 Sep 2024, at 20:56, John Moore <> wrote:

I have complete mix stems for our 2.0 and 5.1 mix.  There is a short nat sound section that I think should be a bit louder, +6db to be exact.  Listening to the 2.0 mix I added the necessary audio keyframes to the left and right mix stems to ramp up the +6db in the short nat sound section and ramping back to 0db after the ramp up.  This sounds the way I would like it to have been mixed. 

My question is for the 5.1 mix stems can I apply the same +6db keyframe ramp up to the L,R,Ls,Rs & Center stems and have that effect the surround mix the same way.  Also the center channel has the Nat Sound in it.  It is my understanding, correct me if I'm wrong, that in ProTools they mix 5.1 and then fold down to the 2.0 stereo mix.  I'm not clear on what the gain structure math is for the 5.1 to 2.0 fold down but I assume there is a formular as to how the various tracks are multed together to achieve the 2.0 mix. 

My log math is so long gone but I'm thinking I should apply the 6db lift to all those stems.

John Moore Barking Trout Productions Studio City, CA

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