Thursday, June 20, 2024

[Avid-L2] BCC Title Studio Bugs/Issues?

Now that I'm working more on my new mac studio with Avid MC 2023.12 I'm finding BCC Title Studio isn't working the way it does on my old cheese grater Avid MC 2018.12.15.  I can add drop shadows in the text window but in the control window which use to work for me like a global control will only allow me to adjust shape position thereby moving the text object around but I cannot highlight drop shadow at all.  This use to work for me.  Also in the text window color tab if I try to uncheck the "Fill On" box it vaporizes Avid.  I've never had to uncheck this box but poking around I found it vaporizes Avid on the new system.  I'm very novice in Title Studio but given the horrible state of Avid Titles it's working the best over New Blue Titler for my basic uses.  Anybody see this quirky behavior.  Needless to say this is a big pain given Avid has had years to get something simple like the old title tool to work.

John Moore Barking Trout Productions Studio City, CA

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